Recent content by Wastrophysicist

  1. Wastrophysicist

    Other Should I Drop Physics? Advice & Ideas

    It's easy to feel discouraged when things doesn't seem to work out, and yet at the end, they do. Many undergraduate students feel they won't do well on graduate courses just because they don't yet understand the Mathematics involved. If you do well on your undergraduate program, you probably...
  2. Wastrophysicist

    Why colonize Mars and not the Moon?

    Why? To prove we can. There are literally hundreds of reasons why, but this one is worth enough to colonize whatever you want to. I mean, for example, AI is just to prove that we can do it. We, human species, want to show ourselves that we can push the boundaries of what it was assumed to be the...
  3. Wastrophysicist

    What Books Are You Currently Reading?

    Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown. He kind of mixes Particle Physics with Catholic Church stuff. It almost seems he has no idea what he's talking about!
  4. Wastrophysicist

    Article on Numbers and Computers

    Cool! And talking about Numbers and Computers, I'll recommend you Project Euler (:, in which you have to answer mathematical questions with the help of coding (c++ is more than enough, no need of Matlab).
  5. Wastrophysicist

    Should we invest in Mars Exploration

    Is that a tricky question? Of course we need to invest in Mars exploration. Not for the benefit of the Earth, but for the benefit of Humanity. The fact that Earth has lots of problems just supports my position: we have to make something in order to leave that inevitable dependence to the Earth.
  6. Wastrophysicist

    Picture of Directionally Selective Retinal Ganglion Cells

    Quite interesting. About this I'd recommend "The nondiscriminating zone of directionally selective retinal ganglion cells". It's a good reading.
  7. Wastrophysicist

    Better Textbook than Lamarsh for Nuclear Engineering

    Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering by J. Kenneth Shultis is a good option, and its not very confusing. But I should add that Lamarsh is not that bad.
  8. Wastrophysicist

    Studying Is Struggling with Novel Physics Problems Normal for Undergraduate Students?

    If you are asking whether you are smart enough, only an IQ Test can tell you. Physics is all about solving problems. But do not panic, the ability to solve problems is not inherit, you can learn to do so. Calm yourself and try your best. Many people can do Physics, you'd be surprised. It's...
  9. Wastrophysicist

    Prob/Stats Is Probability by David Morin a good book?

    Problem solved. I can tell you that you will waste time on easy stuff with that book, considering you are an intermediate learner. It even seems popular science but it has some challenging problems. I'd rather try another book.
  10. Wastrophysicist

    MSc in Theoretical (Mathematical) Physics,KCL vs Edinburgh

    If you thing you're not going to like it, for sure you won't. Kings College London is probably the best, and it's harder to get admitted there. Maybe the level is higher, but learning requires just that.
  11. Wastrophysicist

    Studying Preparing for high energy physics MSc at ETH Zurich and Ecol is marvelous. Here is High Energy Physics:
  12. Wastrophysicist

    Could I move into an MS in Aerospace engineering?

    Hahah sure :biggrin: Indeed, having backgrounds both in Physics and Aerospace Engineering is a good option. But Gjmdp was asking about moving into a MS without having a BS in Aerospace E., which may not be the best option. There is a big lack of knowledge (4 years of college!), but a Physics...
  13. Wastrophysicist

    Which Prominent PhD Astrophysicists Have Pursued Different Fields?

    Among some MIT professors, we find Alan Rickman has a PhD in Astrophysics, and he is a professor of Humanities, without even having a degree on it! Jeffrey A. Hoffman too, and he is a professor of Aerospace engineering. Curious, isn't? Then it is Brian May, the guitarist of Queen (and I think...
  14. Wastrophysicist

    Collection of Science Jokes P2 It's funny to see they have an explanation for every joke for people away from science. Anyway, it's fun.
  15. Wastrophysicist

    Who Else Is Hooked on Stranger Things for the Sci-Fi and Stellar Acting?

    Ryder has not been recognized so much for this work. The children have taken all the credit. They did quite well, but I bet if Ryder had not participated, maybe the whole serie would not be much appreciated. So I'll say, Winona Ryder was impressive.