Recent content by WalterG

  1. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    It took me a while, but I think I understand your reasoning now. If we feed a constant amount of energy E per time slice delta t (dt) into both trucks, the fixed-load truck-A would reach the final velocity Vf earlier than the moving load truck-B. Hence truck-B would go a further distance until...
  2. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    Yes, right. But what about the initial acceleration? Would you want to increase it according to the movement of the center of mass during acceleration? So that it can keep up with the fixed truck? Or do we want to leave the acceleration constant, meaning that we put a constant amount of energy...
  3. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    Please explain: If the truck with the loose load would lead, it could make more distance, hence use less energy to reach destination. That can't be right. Remember, that I assume same acceleration in both cases.
  4. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    Agreed! The Truck with the fixed load would lead. Maybe a fraction of a millimeter :); haven't calculated it yet.
  5. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    Well, if 9. is true, then 10. is certainly false. Because if the truck accelerates more rapidly it should reach the 60km/h earlier, hence less distance travelled. I was more thinking about the fact, that the center of mass is moving backwards during the acceleration for the truck with moving...
  6. W

    What led a physicist to the IT industry?

    I studied physics in Aachen and Cologne Germany. But I am working mainly in the IT industry.
  7. W

    I Inertia of body moving about two distinct parallel axes

    It is a 3 objects movement. The differential equations can not be solved without computer simulation.
  8. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    Yes in both cases same final velocity = 60km/h. Acceleration shall be the same. So it may take longer time to accelerate to the same speed with the moving box. Hence more energy needed. May be Yes in both cases same final velocity = 60km/h. Acceleration shall be the same. So it may take longer...
  9. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    Clarification: The kinetic energy of the system with moved box is the same as the kinetic energy of the system with a fixed box.
  10. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    Let’s assume we have a Ute with the mass of 1600kg and a load of a 16 kg box with zero kinetic energy in our inertial reference frame. Now I bring this Ute from 0 to a velocity of 60km/h in 3 sec. The box would move from behind the cabin to the end of the truck, let’s say 1m when the 60km/h are...
  11. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    ok, thanks will need some time....
  12. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    Yes the friction creates thermal energy and that has to come from somewhere.
  13. W

    I Effect of moving cargo on vehicle fuel consumption

    I have to calculate how much fuel is wasted, when you do not fix a load in a vehicle. So lets say there is a heavy box sitting in an almost empty truck. If this box moves how much fuel is lost? Or if you fix the box, how much fuel do you save?