Recent content by VVD

  1. V

    Can one shoot tip (in a plant) have more than one apical meristem?

    Do plants always have just one apical meristem at any given time? If I see multiple buds at a single shoot tip (multiple "apical buds"?), what am I looking at? Is it: multiple ("codominant") apical meristems, or the buds compete for dominance until one of them ends up being the apical meristem...
  2. V

    Do leaves really always have an axillary bud at the base?

    Would love some insight: We're always taught that you can tell a leaf by the axillary bud where the petiole connects to the stem. But what if the axillary bud has developed into a stem/branch? Would it be correct to say that leaves often lack axillary buds at their junction with the stem (maybe...