Recent content by vivek91m

  1. V

    How to determine whether a route overlaps another route in Google Map?

    I've two routes in google map: i) A ---> B ii) C ---> D How can I determine if these routes overlap or not?
  2. V

    Parsing in a particular language?

    Hello everyone, I would like to ask how exactly Parsing is done in a particular language? Let's say Octave for an example. And if there is parsing error from where it is called? Thank you in advance. Regards, Vivek
  3. V

    What would be the out of Interp1?

    As mentioned in the help: "The sample points X must be strictly monotonic." interp1([1:5 4:9], 1:11, 4) should give an error because x ([1:5 4:9]) is not strictly monotonic here, it doesn't have distinct values. Isn't it?
  4. V

    Searching for Octave Bugs - Need Help?

    Hello guys, I am familiar with Matlab. And i know Octave is similar to Matlab. I am planning to fix a bug in Octave. Therefore, i would like to ask if anyone know about any bug in Octave (there must be many) or where can i find more information about the same? Thanks!
  5. V

    What would be the out of Interp1?

    Hello guys, If i run the following command y = interp([1:5 4:9], 1:11, 4); what would be the output of the same, and what does it mean?
  6. V

    Explaining Gouy Phase Shift: Simple Explanation

    Thank you for your reply.
  7. V

    Explaining Gouy Phase Shift: Simple Explanation

    Hello friends, Could you please explain me Gouy Phase Shift, i have gone through the wikipedia article and i know that it occurs because of the focusing although i am not able to get a physical picture of the same, so it would be really nice if anyone can explain me in simple words about this...