Recent content by Vincent Neave

  1. V

    B Exploring the Expansion of Space & Time

    this article is interesting and bears on my question.
  2. V

    B Exploring the Expansion of Space & Time

    We are told that space is expanding and that the rate of expansion is speeding up. However, as relativity shows that space and time are inextricably linked, does this mean that time is expanding too?
  3. V

    Just how spherical is a neutron star?

    Thanks chaps, most enlightening. An article about the spherical nature of electrons can be found Here
  4. V

    Just how spherical is a neutron star?

    I recently read an article that said that experiments in synchotrons had indicated that an electron was the most spherical object in the universe. It stated that if an electron were the same diameter as the solar system, the variation in its diameter would be less than the thickness of a human...
  5. V

    Experiments in quantum entanglement

    Wow, I never guessed that my curiosity could have triggered such an erudite discussion. If you have any success, Kip, I'd love to hear about it. Vincent
  6. V

    Experiments in quantum entanglement

    Thanks Dr. Chinese, though I'm not sure if I can wrap my head around it. In "The Emporer's New Mind" by Professor Roger Penrose he proposes the theory that as the electrical and chemical processes in our brains operate at a quantum level, there is a possibility that we may never be able to...
  7. V

    News Would a 32 hour work week help create more jobs

    Hi I read, back in the 1980s, that the advances in computer technology and mechanisation, would lead to such a massive creation of wealth that by the millenium, nobody would have to work more than fifteen hours a week. Hah! We were also told that we would have paperless offices. Well, the...
  8. V

    Experiments in quantum entanglement

    Thank you, The scientist I am referring to was interviewed on BBC radio. The experiment he was describing was to investigate a mathematical paradox which (if I recall correctly) indicates that if one of a pair of entangled photons were slowed down and the other were not, one could indicate...
  9. V

    Experiments in quantum entanglement

    Two or three years ago there was an interview in a science journal with a physicist who had worked on the large hadron collider. The interviewer asked what he wanted to do next,and he replied that he'd like to do some experiments in quantum entanglement but had no funding. Apparently donations...
  10. V

    Exploring the Possibility of Our Universe Being Inside a Black Hole"

    Hi, Thanks for that, I'd forgotten all about it until the thread I was reading jogged my memory, nice to know it wasn't just a figment of my aging imagination!
  11. V

    Exploring the Possibility of Our Universe Being Inside a Black Hole"

    I was just reading the thread "Dark matter and black holes" started by Tanzanos and in a reply our PF Mentor, Janus, mentioned that the more mass a black hole has, the less dense it needs to be. This reminded me of an idea I read in a book on black holes in the 1970s that as the universe...
  12. V

    I think the universe is slowing down not speeding up

    Wow, Now that really does explain the paradox in a way that I can understand (I think) and anyone who quotes Douglas Adams is a friend of mine! Thanks a lot Chronos
  13. V

    I think the universe is slowing down not speeding up

    Hi, Thanks for your replies, I really appreciate your input. I've given it more thought but feel that we are at cross purposes. "The flaw in your logic (and the reason your brain is hurting) is because you are assuming that the furthest galaxies, when they were nearer to the galaxies...
  14. V

    I think the universe is slowing down not speeding up

    Thanks everyone, I shall have to read your replies several times and have a long think. I still feel that it may be quite misleading to work out what the universe is like now, when we can only see what is happening at the present time in such a small proportion of it and beyond that, everything...
  15. V

    I think the universe is slowing down not speeding up

    Hi, I've never posted on a forum before but I've sent this question to various scientists and not had any replies so I thought someone here might be able to help. It may be that to a trained scientist it is obvious, but if it is could someone please explain where I have gone wrong. The...