Recent content by VikFloyd

  1. V

    Engineering Keep changing my mind between Nursing and Engineering?

    I'm not bad in math. I actually helped my sister with her GRE math. I think I will do good in the math part but I heard once stuff like the calculus based Physics courses come along things go hard. I like the idea of mechanical engineering. And no I am not making excuses for myself. I know I...
  2. V

    What are the challenges faced by female engineering students?

    For some reason I strengthened up yesterday. I am not scared all that much anymore. Besides, people always say I look unapproachable the first time I meet them or that they think I am going to be mean. @ Pengwuino That reminds me of the students at my school. Once they fail a test and it is...
  3. V

    What are the challenges faced by female engineering students?

    I like the sound of that! This is a tough decision! I also put in mind which is easier to build up a good resume. I am looking for a job that reflects upon my major.
  4. V

    What are the challenges faced by female engineering students?

    Thanks people! :smile: My next question is which is better engineering or nursing?
  5. V

    What are the challenges faced by female engineering students?

    I am unsure which on to do. I like the idea of nursing and engineering. I am also looking at which one will get me a job the fastest and easiest. I heard engineering is a lot of work. My mother's a nurse so that is kind of encouraging me to go for nursing. I just need to know the pros and cons...
  6. V

    What are the challenges faced by female engineering students?

    Hahahahaha! I'm just a little paranoid. Let's just say high school years were hell for me and some of that is still with me. I am contemplating nursing as well which is another problem. I don't know which one to choose.
  7. V

    What are the challenges faced by female engineering students?

    I'm just trying to encourage myself to study engineering but I sometimes feel discouraged.
  8. V

    What are the challenges faced by female engineering students?

    I like math and science. I am good at math. I really would like to study engineering. My only problem is if I face sexism. I must admit I am very sensitive. I fear coming across mean male classmates who will always say sexist comments about me. If you were/was an engineering student, did you see...
  9. V

    Do You Use The F Word In Real Life?

    I never really curse. I try not to. I don't mind when people curse. However, it does annoy me when people use the F-word for no reason. It especially annoys me when they add emphasis to it...
  10. V

    Why Do We Act Harshly in Online Discussions?

    I think people are mean on forums because they have low self esteem. I think correcting someone when it comes to having incorrect information is normal but when they keep correcting someone for grammatical errors is annoying. Like this is the internet not a formal English essay that is being...
  11. V

    Engineering technician a good job?

    I spoke to the director of the engineering department at my school. He told me how it's like being an engineer and even showed me pictures of one of his creations. I think I do want to become an engineer. I think I can handle theory. My other reason is because I want to take as many different...
  12. V

    Engineering technician a good job?

    I like the idea of engineering. It's just the fact that I have to use theory kind of scares me. I consider myself good at math and science but not that good. Someone told me engineering technicians do build machines. My community college requires engineer technicians to take math, science, and...
  13. V

    Engineering technician a good job?

    I didn't say they're "dead end". Someone else said that. I am just trying to make myself not feel discouraged by asking what an engineering technician does exactly or if it is a good career to follow.
  14. V

    Engineering technician a good job?

    I am currently a mechanical engineering technology major. I read in some websites that engineer technicians are the engineer's slaves, are useless, and will reach a "dead end" in life. I am choosing engineering technology because I am a fan of math and science but I also like to focus mainly on...
  15. V

    Why do some people think women suck at science and math?

    Nah. I wear skirts and boots most of the time. Once I told this guy I like the idea of mechanical engineering and he was like, "Aren't you too cute for that? Girls should be doing something else." Let's just say I never called him back after that. I guess it's the people who I am around. Most...