Recent content by Vicol

  1. Vicol

    Probability density function in classical mechanics

    Probability density function plays fundamental role in qunatum mechanics. I wanted to ask if there is any analogous density function in classical mechanics. Obviously if we solve Hamilton equations we get fully deterministic trajectory. But it should be possible to find function which shows...
  2. Vicol

    Hamilton-Jacobi equation and particle-wave motion

    I've seen somwhere a claim that Hamilton-Jacobi euqation is the only formulation of classical mechanics which can treat motion of particle as wave motion. There was something about hamilton prinicpal function, hamilton characteristic function and one of these change in time like wavefront or...
  3. Vicol

    A Canonical transformation - derviation problem

    Let me show you part of a book "Mechanics From Newton’s Laws to Deterministic Chaos" by Florian Scheck. I do not understand why these integrands can differ by more than time derivative of some function M. Why doesn't it change the value of integrals? It seems this point is crucial for me to...
  4. Vicol

    A Let's remove one axiom from Euclidean geometry

    I'm wondering what could happen if we remove one axiom from Euclidean geometry. What are the conseqences? For example - how would space without postulate "To describe a cicle with any centre and distance" look like?
  5. Vicol

    I Understanding the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation: A Mathematical Proof

    Hello everyone, In Born-Oppenheimer approximation there is one step, when you divide your wavefunction into two pieces - first dependent on nuclei coordinates only and second dependent on electron coordinates only (the nuclei coordinates are treated as parameter here). The "global"...
  6. Vicol

    Why do we feel tired when holding something without any movement?

    Our muslces work like spring, don't they? I thought we lose energy only to squeeze spring, not to mantain it squeezed :)
  7. Vicol

    Why do we feel tired when holding something without any movement?

    Hello everyone :) Could someone explain me how is it possible that we "lose energy" when we hold something in our hands though there is no shift/displacement? We feel it physically - tiredness. I can generalize this question - to keep something at certain height we have to use force. But...
  8. Vicol

    Electric Current: How Does the Battery Generate Voltage?

    Hello again :) I've got a serious problem. Generally I know why current flows (free electrons and voltage). But some days ago I was considering about regular battery and electrical circut. Free electrons in wire flow along circut, ok, that's fine and understandable. But how does battery...
  9. Vicol

    High-energy particles and Radiation burn

    So can we say that apoptosis take a form of desquamation? Cells "know" that their DNA is damaged and in this case it is better to leave human body?
  10. Vicol

    High-energy particles and Radiation burn

    So high energy photons destroy DNA bonds not only directly. Water molecules can be "sliced" to OH (for example) and then this basic group connect with DNA. Generally I think I should consider many "planes" of human body - not only microsopic as DNA or cell. By the way It is mysterious how...
  11. Vicol

    High-energy particles and Radiation burn

    16 kg of uranium - by accident Hirashi Ouchi exceed critical mass. He absorbed 14 Gy. You can google his photos after this (warning, they are not charming).
  12. Vicol

    High-energy particles and Radiation burn

    Well, there are many photos which shows human body after "face-to-face" meeting with radiadiaton above 10 Gy. For example Hisahi Ouchi who lost his skin completely. I'm really instreasted in biological aspect of ionizing radiation. I'm trying to understand how organism reacts with high energy...
  13. Vicol

    High-energy particles and Radiation burn

    Hello, it is my first post created in this forum :) I'm interested in physics of radiation burn. How does it work? In my opinion high-energy particles (like photons, neutrons etc.) leave their energy inside human body (for example breaking bonds in DNA). This event trigger primary electrons...