Recent content by Vesc>C

  1. V

    Red shift and blue shift as relating to time dilation

    I was listening to a lecture about the expansion of the universe and found myself confused about the light we see from very distant galaxies. These galaxies are red shifted because they are moving away from us and the photons are being stretched. Does this mean that the galaxy will appear to...
  2. V

    What happens to matter that was inside an event horizon before the collapse?

    Perhaps my confusion is with with term r=0. Is this meant to mean that radius=0, because if that's the case doesn't that violate Newton's laws. Whatever creates the event horizon has volume and density, therefore it should be measurable. I understand we cannot actually go in and measure it...
  3. V

    What happens to matter that was inside an event horizon before the collapse?

    Oh quick vocab check: is a singularity the object which causes the event or the event horizon itself? because I've been using it meaning the object which causes it.
  4. V

    What happens to matter that was inside an event horizon before the collapse?

    I understand there is no event horizon before the singularity, but my understanding of a black hole (which may be naive) is that is is a super dense object. I interpret that as meaning that the matter which makes the object does not change, it just becomes denser. That's the idea of the...
  5. V

    What happens to matter that was inside an event horizon before the collapse?

    Hey guys this is my first post so I hope this doesn't come out stupid since I only know slightly more than a layman. Recently I have been trying to wrap my mind around what happens inside an event horizon. Specifally I have been confused with the matter which resided inside the schwarzchild...