Recent content by VenaCava

  1. V

    SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device)

    Thanks. I've actually already taken a look at those. I guess I just wanted some clarification on a few points since I don't have too strong of a physics background. I understand that the squid detector has a superconducting ring with 2 Josephson junctions. The sample that the magnetic...
  2. V

    SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device)

    Hi all, I am looking to do some magnetic measurements for some research (chemistry...) but I'm hoping to get an understanding of how a SQUID instrument works. I was wonder if anyone could give me a qualitative overview or if anyone know any resources without math-heavy explanations. Thanks!
  3. V

    Maximum and Minimum values of a function (2 vars)

    Homework Statement Find the max and min values of the function f(x, y) = (x-y)/(2 +x2 + y2) over the disk x2 + y2 <= 4 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution fx = 1/(2 +x2 + y2) + -2x(x-y)/(2 +x2 + y2)2 = (2- x2 + y2 +2xy)/(2 +x2 + y2)2 Should equal zero when x=1 y=...
  4. V

    Change Y-Variable to Ln Y in Gnuplot: How-To Guide for Linear Graphing

    Is there an easy way to change your y-variable in Gnuplot to ln y without changing the source data file? I already tried "set log y" but that only changed the y-axis scale, not the actual y-values. Right now I'm plotting an exponential decay and I wanted to make it a linear graph (lny vs...
  5. V

    Time constant in an RC circuit

    Thank you so much!
  6. V

    Time constant in an RC circuit

    So if for this particular circuit, I am discharging the capacitor, would this be correct for solving the differential eq? (PS sorry I don't know how to do the pretty equations) Vbat = R2 dq/dt + (R2 + R1)q/CR1 (since the circuit is being disconnected from the voltage source at t=0 vbat=0 ?)...
  7. V

    Time constant in an RC circuit

    Thank you! This is perfect. I tried to derive it myself but was not successful. Would this be possible for me to do without Thevenin (as I have not learned it yet)?
  8. V

    Time constant in an RC circuit

    My question I posted is actually based on a laboratory experiment. While the value of the resistors were the same in the lab, they had different error values associated with them, so ideally I'm trying to find a value for T that is a function of R1 and R2 (so I can calculate the error value that...
  9. V

    Time constant in an RC circuit

    Okay, let me rephrase this. You guys say that the time constant is T=RC/2. However, if this were for two different values of R (ie. R1 and R2, which don't have the same value) how would this change the time constant and what would it equal (what is T, in terms of C, R1, and R2)? Thanks!
  10. V

    Time constant in an RC circuit

    So from there, how can I use that equation to find the time constant? I don't have the voltage value or current, so I'm assuming these will have to cancel out somewhere and are therefore independent of the time constant. I'm think my the time constant will only be based on the capacitance and...
  11. V

    Time constant in an RC circuit

    I am not familiar with the Thevenin equivalent... When a capacitor is fully charged, does it act as a plain wire? I can't recall, sorry its been ages since I studied capacitor/circuit basics. Would it be correct to say that while the battery is still connected (ie before the capacitor is...
  12. V

    Time constant in an RC circuit

    If I were to say that R= equivalent resistance of the entire circuit, would T=RC be correct? Where R1= 1 ohm R2 = 1 ohm and R = 1/(1/1 + 1/1) = 0.5 ohm so T=RC? or would this still be incorrect?
  13. V

    Time constant in an RC circuit

    Homework Statement Find the time constantHomework Equations T=RC The Attempt at a Solution I understand the calculation fine. But I was wondering if the resistors are considered to be in parallel with each other even though the second resistor appears to be in parallel only with the...
  14. V

    Line of intersection of two planes

    Hi, I am having difficutly figuring out why the cross product of the normal vectors of each plane gives the direction vector of the line of intersection. Anyone care to try to explain? Thanks!
  15. V

    Positively charged side with induced emf

    thank you that helped a lot.