Recent content by vatzis

  1. V

    Silly Question Re Distance and Time

    So, sorry to go off topic, but when traveling faster than the speed of time, would then time be infinite if traveling at that speed? I.e. if there was matter (such as a planet) on the outskirts of the universe, would living things be living for a very long time. Or is time relevant and just...
  2. V

    What Are the Unsolved Problems in Physics and Math That Could Impact Society?

    OK, need to work on something of my PHD. Can someone explain to me a Physics / Math / or possibly computer programming problem that is yet unsolved. I don't want links to wiki pages, just someone to explain to me in plain English, what the problem is, why people are struggling to solve it and...
  3. V

    Physics How do you become a theoretical physicist?

    To much Big Bang Theory and Sheldon fans here I think. If its about the money, do a computer degree and become a consultant. you will get over 120K after 3-4 years of experience. If I am wrong, and you enjoy the science, then Corpuscule is right, its hard work for little reward. But you will...
  4. V

    Troubleshooting Windows Installation: Converting Dynamic Disk to Basic Type

    XenClient, VMware, XenServer, HyperV. Use a bare metal hypervisor.
  5. V

    Recommending installing Cygwin for Octave-use

    Doesn't MatLab have a special deal for their software for Students? I know they have at least have a trial version...
  6. V

    What's the Best Open Source OS for GUI Lovers?

    Any favorites guys? And have you developed any source code personally?
  7. V

    Troubleshooting Windows Installation Errors: How to Fix CD/DVD Driver Issues?

    Usually its just driver issues, and if it fails to even get past the loading of Windows, its hard disk drives. look at your motherboard model and download all the drivers for the version of Windows your loading. it should help you.
  8. V

    Question on Gravity, Big Bang, Dark Energy and Black Holes

    thanks for your response Simon. Just trying to put ideas out there that physicists might not have thought about... and to be honest, I like thinking about possibilities.
  9. V

    [aero/astrodynamics] Looking for a book recommendation
  10. V

    Question on Gravity, Big Bang, Dark Energy and Black Holes

    Sorry to have such a broad subject line but I was in a contimplative mood yesterday and the mind was wondering and pondering… From the publication of Sir Isaac Newton,”Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica”, the science world has been challenging the findings around gravity proposing...