Recent content by variation

  1. V

    What is the difference between these two works ?

    Thank you all.
  2. V

    What is the difference between these two works ?

    Some examples in textbook make me confused when these two works are discussed at the same time. One of the works is the (mechanical) work in work-energy theorem: \Delta K = \sum_iW_i, where K is the kinetic energy and W_i was the work done by the i-th force. The other is the...
  3. V

    Wave packets that feel harmonic potential

    Hello, The problem you meet seems "how to do the integral \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}H_n(x)e^{-Ax^2+Bx}dx" I try your problem as far as i can ( with brute force >"< ): In the begining, use the generating function of Hermite polynomials e^{-t^2+2tx}=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n!}t^nH_n(x)...
  4. V

    Angular momentum - impulse on the axis

    The force \vec{F} is along the direction of the string. \vec{r} is the positin vector from the pivot A to B. They are vectors. Therefore, \frac{6}{5}\times7=0.6\cdot J\cdot\sin\theta where \theta is the angle of the two vectors. \frac{6}{5}\times7=0.6\cdot...
  5. V

    Uniform Circular Motion Displacement

    Acceleration direction is constant ?
  6. V

    Angular momentum - impulse on the axis

    Or simply, \vec{N}=\frac{\Delta\vec{L}}{\Delta t}=\vec{r}\times\vec{F}\quad\Rightarrow\quad\Delta\vec{L}=\vec{r}\times(\vec{F}\Delta t)=\vec{r}\times\text{the impulse}
  7. V

    Angular momentum - impulse on the axis

    The impulse is defined by \vec{F}\delta t. You have calculated the change in angular momentum, of course use the correct one. If you like, the change in angular momentum is "the angular impulse". Therefore \text{the impulse}\times\text{arm length}=\text{the angular momentum change}
  8. V

    Angular momentum - impulse on the axis

    The height that the center of mass drop is 0.3(m). Why not 0.6(m)?
  9. V

    Angular momentum - impulse on the axis

    Hello, How do you obtain the angular speed \sqrt{24.5} ? I have a different result about the angular speed. Please check the quantity again. Best regards
  10. V

    What is the magnetic dipole moment of the sphere?

    Hello, There are different current for different point on the spining solid sphere. The magnitude of current density J you have is correct. But the total magnetic moment should be \vec{m}=\int d\vec{m} ,where d\vec{m} is a thin ring with radius r\sin\theta rotating along z-axis. The...
  11. V

    Object Must Be Placed at 15cm from Convex Mirror for Half Size Image

    Hello, The amplification I/O also equls to \frac{|D_i|}{|D_o|} when we talk about near-axis light. Be careful and recall that the image is a virtual one and therefore D_i is a negative value in Gauss' formula. Best regards
  12. V

    Solving for x in a Combination of Two Convex Lenses

    Hello, I have tried to prove some relation that you want by some simple assumptions: (1)two identical lenses (2)the curvatures of two surface of one lens are the same (3) lenses are thin. But no such a general relation is satisfied. More intuitively, you can consider some special examples...
  13. V

    Relativistic momentum and ke quesion

    The four momentum of the decay chanel is: \mathbf{P}_\Lambda=\mathbf{P}_{n}+\mathbf{P}_{\pi} that is \left(\begin{array}{c}m_{\Lambda}c^2/c\\0\end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}{c}\gamma_nm_{n}c^2/c\\\gamma_nm_n\vec{v}_n\end{array}\right)+\left(\begin{array}{c}\gamma_\pi...
  14. V

    Relativistic momentum and ke quesion

    Hello, For the second question, you can use the invariance of four-momentum and obtain simple relations. For example, \mathbf{P}_\Lambda=\mathbf{P}_{n}+\mathbf{P}_{\pi} here, it can be \mathbf{P}_\Lambda-\mathbf{P}_{n}=\mathbf{P}_{\pi} and one can take inner pruoduct of each side...
  15. V

    Solve Inverse Fifth Law Homework: Sign of A and Radii of Orbits

    Sorry, i did not expain very detail. I mean that: \vec{F}=-\hat{r}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}U(r)=\frac{4A}{r^5}(-\hat{r}) The acceleration in 2-D polar coordinate \vec{a}=(\ddot{r}-\dot{\theta}^2r)\hat{r}+(r\ddot{\theta}+2\dot{r}\omega)\hat{\theta} The central acceleration in the case...