Recent content by valhakla

  1. V

    Find equivalent resistance R in the circuit

    I tried to add 10V battery, but my final answer wasn't even close. However the delta-wye transformation method helped me to finally solve the problem.
  2. V

    Find equivalent resistance R in the circuit

    I understood. So are there any algorithms to approach such circuits? This is my first time encountering this.
  3. V

    Find equivalent resistance R in the circuit

    Yes, I have tried to apply Kirchkhoff's and loop rule for this ciruit, but it didn't helped, as it gives only the values of the current flowing through particular resistor not the total resistance between points A and B. Regarding the transforms, I am not familiar with that yet.
  4. V

    Find the equivalent resistance between two points in terms of R

    Thank you, I will learn how to do it. I am just learning and new here, so would appreciate solution for my problem, the problem seems very unique for me as it's really challenging for me to determine whether the resistors are in parallel or in series, otherwise I wouldn't post it here.
  5. V

    Find the equivalent resistance between two points in terms of R

    I attempted to solve the problem using the formulas I have provided above, but my answers are not matching, also I tried to search for similar problems in the internet but found nothing