Recent content by Utilite

  1. Utilite

    Schools I'm in a country where science isn't appreciated, what should I do?

    dorm prices are fairly low 150-300 liras 50-100$, also rents for a three bedroom house near school is 800 liras (might be two bedroom not sure) and there are many facilities at the campus but school cafeteria costs 2.15 liras per meal for students, it offers lunch and dinner. ankara is a cheap city
  2. Utilite

    Schools I'm in a country where science isn't appreciated, what should I do? here take a look this is my university. if you want an education in french you can take a look at Galatasaray University in turkey, though i don't know if they have a physics program or not.
  3. Utilite

    Schools I'm in a country where science isn't appreciated, what should I do?

    my name is ahmed and i am from turkey. hopefully turkey isn't as bad as algeria but we have a similar situation. i took the university exams and i could do whatever i want just like you and i am now studying physics and maths. i don't know if you can get scholarships and stuff but check out...
  4. Utilite

    I Heine-Borel Theorem shouldn't work for open intervals?

    (a+r_1-r_2,a+r_1+r_2) is in an open set i am just ignoring the unnecessary part
  5. Utilite

    I Heine-Borel Theorem shouldn't work for open intervals?

    No but i am talking about [a,b] b is a member of an open set on an open cover of [a,b]. I don't know if this proves something but my argument seems valid, i am just finding a union of neighbourhoods that cover [a,b].
  6. Utilite

    I Heine-Borel Theorem shouldn't work for open intervals?

    But since our interval is covered by open sets some neighbourhood of each point is a subset of an open set. [a,c) is a subset of O_1, [c,d) is a subset of O_2 etc. Since B is contained in an open set B should we contained in a neighbourhood of some point.
  7. Utilite

    I Heine-Borel Theorem shouldn't work for open intervals?

    Okay, I am studying Baby Rudin and I am in a lot of trouble. I want to show that a closed interval [a,b] is compact in R. The book gives a proof for R^n but I am trying a different proof like thing. Since a is in some open set of an infinite open cover, the interval [a,a+r_1) is in that open set...
  8. Utilite

    Schools What advice can be given to a troubled mechanical engineering student in Turkey?

    Thanks a lot she is very happy with your post. She is trying to focus on her work.
  9. Utilite

    Schools What advice can be given to a troubled mechanical engineering student in Turkey?

    Hello, I have a friend and she is very troubled. She is studying mechanical engineering in Turkey's top 10 to 15th university. She wants to change her school but she needs to study for the university exams again which steals one year of her life. She believes that graduating from her school...
  10. Utilite

    Difficult Integral Question: Need Help Solving LaTeX Code

    Well, I just asked my friend she said that she didn't actually take this from a textbook. There was a book or something a guy is talking about his high school life and then there is this integral on the page like an image or something. Well, it turns out I was just wasting my time. Still, I...
  11. Utilite

    Difficult Integral Question: Need Help Solving LaTeX Code

    Please help, I am not sure if you can read my latex code. A friend of mine sent this to me before her final exam, I have been trying to solve it for 3-4 days. I used some substitutions, I tried integration by parts but couldn't get a solution. I used wolfram alpha but it needs more time and for...
  12. Utilite

    Springs and Hooke's Law -- Unequal forces applied to the two ends....

    I am sorry I couldn't state my question properly but it doesn't matter now. I got what I was looking for you have been very helpful thank you.
  13. Utilite

    Springs and Hooke's Law -- Unequal forces applied to the two ends....

    Yes now I get it it is just like two masses connected with a string. I was thinking about the tension on a very little dL as just from one side. But now it is actually from two sides. Then what do we mean as tension on some point?
  14. Utilite

    Springs and Hooke's Law -- Unequal forces applied to the two ends....

    yes definitely. the rod is accelerating with 2N/M. since it is rigid every part is accelerating with same acceleration but how is that possible if tension changes from one point to another