Recent content by user1296

  1. U

    Electrical circuit problem (resistors, capacitors, inductors )

    Ooh ok ok , didn't think of this that way Thank you!
  2. U

    Electrical circuit problem (resistors, capacitors, inductors )

    Thank you for your help! :) I just had a small doubt in the last circuit that I drew in the earlier post(#15) , If V is at a greater potential than V1 (since initially also current was flowing that way) then why does the current flow back from point V1 to V again from the right side of the loop ?
  3. U

    Electrical circuit problem (resistors, capacitors, inductors )

    Yes I redrew it and I think I got the this the correct method ?
  4. U

    Electrical circuit problem (resistors, capacitors, inductors )

    Ohh okayy I think I understood Q20 C option...Thank you But what about option A ? I just know what currents through the inductors won't change suddenly when the switch is opened, but I don't know how to proceed & find the potential difference... Please help
  5. U

    Electrical circuit problem (resistors, capacitors, inductors )

    Yes yes, I've learned about LC oscillations
  6. U

    Electrical circuit problem (resistors, capacitors, inductors )

    I'm not really sure why... I just thought maybe after infinite time the inductors and resistors will lose all energy through heat and so then there will be no current left... Just guessed not sure
  7. U

    Electrical circuit problem (resistors, capacitors, inductors )

    Yes thank you , I understood your hint& tried redrawing the circuit and attached it in the above post... Hope I've got it right this time...For Q 20, After a long time I'm not really sure but I guess current will be 0? So then the voltmeter will also measure 0...
  8. U

    Electrical circuit problem (resistors, capacitors, inductors )

    Oh yes yes thank you. I redrew the circuit... Now is it correct? Since the voltmeter is ideal ,current flowing through it will be 0( so in my diagram i1 = 0) , so can I say that the voltmeter is connected across the 2R resistor only and so will measure 'E ' as the potential difference?
  9. U

    Electrical circuit problem (resistors, capacitors, inductors )

    I did try redrawing the circuit at steady state , but I'm not really sure. I have attached the circuit that I tried drawing, I assumed the branch with the capacitors to be absent at steady state since current won't flow through them anyway. With this diagram I get the correct answer for Q 19 ...