Recent content by Universe_Man

  1. U

    Advanced Prosthetics: Challenges of Creating Brain-Controlled Limbs

    Hey there Danger, Ha ha, I remember this thread! I think I made it when I was a Junior in High School! I'm almost into my third year of college now, with a major in Material science and engineering. I'm still fascinated by prosthetic technology, and it's one of the things I want to get into...
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    I think zeno's paradox tells us something about the nature of what we think reality is. Reality, or the construct of time and space that we presently see around us is only a part of something much larger. I personally believe that the fact that there exists a paradox indicates that there is a...
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    Prime Numbers Formula: 1800s Math Discovery

    I was told by a math teacher I met recently that there is a formula that a mathematician in the 1800's came up with that accurately predicted all of the primes up to a certain point, but after that point began to miss a few primes, and after awhile, wasn't useful at all. Does anyone have any...
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    Solve Pi: What if Its Remainder is 0?

    Since Pi is irrational, would it be logical to think that the string of digits go through every possible number of combinations? If that were true somewhere down the line of digits is this very post is encoded in binary; It may take massive amounts of calculations and perhaps more time than the...
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    Find Pythagorean Triples with My Formula

    I developed a formula for finding pythagorean triples recently, I thought I'd share it just for general novelty: n+((n-1)/2)^2=((n+1)/2)^2 Where n= odd perfect square a^2+b^2=c^2 Pythagorean triple set is (a,b,c) So pythagorean triple set for my formula is...
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    Humans can maybe create a universe

    That's an interesting concept; it has a lot of implications. Perhaps there's a whole system of universes which were created by various life forms once they reached a certain level in their advancement. maybe it all can be traced back to an Original Physicist; or if you want to be...
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    Experimental evidence that confirms or points toward extraspatial dims

    Is there any experimental evidence that confirms or points toward extra spatial dimensions? I have been looking around for a bit, couldn't find anything.
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    What if our universe is just a game?

    We could spend the rest of our lifes contemplating the nature of reality and why we exist and think and feel. Alot of people do. Kinda Ironic; the purpose of life to me is to learn and contemplate the purpose of life. I live because I want to know why I live.
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    What Can You Do With a Philosophy Degree Besides Law School?

    How much longer does it take to pursue a double major? I don't mind to take the time, but I'd like to know.
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    What Can You Do With a Philosophy Degree Besides Law School?

    I could pursue a double major I suppose. I like Mathematics alot.
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    God's Existence: Beyond Existing and Nonexisting?

    What if to say that God exists or does not exist is meaningless? That's the way we think of things; either it's real or it's not. But God's the creator of existence. Why must we limit an omnipotent being to existence or nonexistance? What if there's more than what exists and what does not, like...
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    What Can You Do With a Philosophy Degree Besides Law School?

    I found that someday I would really like to major in Philosophy, but it seems as though there are few careers for it. What can I do with a Philosophy degree?
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    Is the square root of a prime number always going to be irrational?

    is the square root of a prime number always going to be irrational? just a random question.
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    Hyperspace engine (Heim's Quantum Theory)

    It would be really cool if all this is confirmed. Heim Theory is one of my reasons for getting into Physics.
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    Is Improving the Educational System the Key to Achieving a Perfect Economy?

    I don't think a perfect economy is feasible, or even possible. Alot of humans are just too greedy or too concerned with themselves to think of others (Ex. Pharmaceutical Companies, Tobacco companies, Oil Companies, Politicians, Celebrities). In order to have an "perfect" economy, You need people...