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    How are Flight Data Recorders built?

    I saw the video but not the picture. I was afraid I would run into the 'its proprietary' thing, i guess I was hoping that there was some design commonly held as the correct way, this fairly similar between manufacturers, like car tires. Thanks for the help, I'll dig around on FAA forums I guess.

    How are Flight Data Recorders built?

    I have, but I have yet to find technical documents or anything specific that is not outdated. I am looking for specifics, mainly on how the insulation is layered and how the SSDs are secured. I cannot find this. Please let me know where you have found it.

    How are Flight Data Recorders built?

    I am curious as to the components of FDRs that allow them to sustain such g-forces and immense heat. Surely it's not just a steel box filled with paraffin wax. What alloys are used? what shapes are used in internal construction to prevent crushing/penetration? What do they insulate with and how...