Recent content by typical guy

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    A KIC 8462852 (dipping again in March 2018)

    I agree that it's almost certainly something other than a megastructure (i.e. It's natural). That being said, I just don't think it's possible to predict what would be needed in terms of energy for a civilization that is a million or a hundred million years ahead of us. I'm sure Homo Errectus...
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    A KIC 8462852 (dipping again in March 2018)

    They didn't find signals as pathetically low as 100 and 10,000,000 times TOTAL TERRESTRIAL ENERGY USAGE. Are they making the assumption that aliens are trying to contact us? I ask because when they sent that signal, if they were able to optically observe earth, we were in the year 1000BC and...
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    Can you view objects that moved beyond the event horizon?

    Hi, I read a while back that astronomers were able to view an old supernova explosion using a technique that involved looking for light reflected off some hydrogen gas. After thinking about this for a while, I decided to come here with my question. Is it possible to use this technique to view...
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    Traveling at the speed of light and time dilation

    I'm a fan of sci fi books and a favorite theme is that of the "sleeper ship" so to speak. They freeze the crew and later thaw them out when they arrive at their destination. The crew arrives at their destination thousands of years later to find that the planet is already populated by billions...
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    Does Dark Energy break the Conservation of Energy?

    As the expansion of space accelerates, space is created and this seems to break the conservation of energy law. I've googled this but have not found a really good explanation of this. Imagine for a moment we're so far into the future that there are vast vast voids between what remains of...
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    Article on New Planck Satellite data

    I'm going to say something. This is speculation but I wouldn't characterize it as "wild" given recent discoveries. You guys will probably disagree. Being a guy interested in science, I keep up with the news. Evidently the Higgs mass combined with the top quark indicate that the vacuum is...
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    Special relativity from the frame of refrence of photon

    When they describe that the light is "stopped", they're giving the reader the impression that the photon has (for all intent and purposes) stopped propagating and is simply "there". They don't mention that it's absorbed by a particle and waiting to be released or that it's traveling in some...
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    Big Bang vs Black Hole: Exploring the Universe's Past

    I've been reading (and asking) about the recent pop science articles on the Higgs mass and the vacuume instability (metastable). If this turns out to accurately describe the universe, does it in some way predict the past as well? To be specific, in my mind the logical extension of the...
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    Special relativity from the frame of refrence of photon

    I realize the light is still moving but it's not moving at c relative to the observer. Does this in some way cause a problem for the "reference frame of light makes no sense" discussion?
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    Shaposhnikov Wetterich predicted 126 GeV Higgs in 2009

    I feel stupid every time I receive an answer to one of my questions but I continue to ask them anyway. So here goes: 1. Assume SOMEWHERE in the unobserved portion of the universe, a bubble forms (the new ground state discussed in this thread) and expands outwards at the speed of light. Will...
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    Unraveling the Mysteries of the Higgs Field

    1. What is the "cause" of the field and how can the Higgs field be flat and permeate all of space or is it a property of space itself? 2. Will the field weaken as space expands? In other words, as the distance between objects approaches infinity, will that impact the Higgs field? 3...
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    CDF Collab. at Fermilab: WW/WZ Prod. Lepton+Jet Decays

    Does this 3 Sigma event match any of Lisi's new particles predicted in E8?
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    Escaping Black Holes: Questions & Answers

    so are you saying gravity works differently in theoretical descrptions of black holes than it does with respect to the earth/moon/sun system? I'm pretty sure lagrange points are well known? You did not address my other questions.
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    Escaping Black Holes: Questions & Answers

    Several questions about escaping the event horizon of a black hole typical disclaimer: I am not a scientist so please don't scold me too much for curiosity. I imagine a large black hole with a less massive black hole in orbit around it. Light enters the event horizon of the more massive...
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    The Big Rip: Will Black Holes Be Ripped Apart Too?

    Question about "The Big Rip" With dark energy accelerating the expansion of the Universe, has anyone done calculation on how long it will take for black holes to be ripped apart? I'm assuming here that space is going to be expanding so fast that the acceleration of the material towards itself...