Recent content by twiz_

  1. twiz_

    Maximum voltage from blowing through small turbine?

    Ah. You said kw, I did misread haha. That's way out there.
  2. twiz_

    Maximum voltage from blowing through small turbine?

    Thanks for your response. I figured that wouldn't work out as well as I hoped, so I sort of put that to the side. Now I'm curious about making the bike alternator, which I'm hoping will produce a much closer wattage to the one you decribed, and perhaps more after that. Every source I found had...
  3. twiz_

    Maximum voltage from blowing through small turbine?

    I'm not doing seawater, nor do I live anywhere near the ocean. I'll choose an electrolyte that hopefully doesn't produce anything toxic to humans.
  4. twiz_

    Maximum voltage from blowing through small turbine?

    Thanks, I understand. The oxygen should be completely isolated from hydrogen and hopefully any other combustible gasses. The only time it would be exposed to anything else is when the user inhales air from the atmosphere. This is also why I was worried about an electrolytic rebreather under the...
  5. twiz_

    Maximum voltage from blowing through small turbine?

    Oh, the practicality of the things we do when we aren't limited by research grants. I guess fun is a reasonable excuse to do something, after all.
  6. twiz_

    Maximum voltage from blowing through small turbine?

    Haven't you ever gotten the urge to do or make something just for the hell of it? I have no idea why I want to do it, I just do :olduhh:. For fun? I'll think of something, nevertheless.
  7. twiz_

    Maximum voltage from blowing through small turbine?

    You must not understand the point. Your condescending attitude isn't very helpful for either you or me.
  8. twiz_

    Maximum voltage from blowing through small turbine?

    My goal, as I stated, isn't to increase or decrease oxygen consumption. Supplements were proven to not provide any benefits during or after exercise time and time again, so my experiment is to see just how much oxygen the dynamo can produce by means of electrolysis of water, while in the long...
  9. twiz_

    Maximum voltage from blowing through small turbine?

    So today, I was staring at my old Schwinn Worldsport I got for free a few weeks ago. I connected my idea from this thread to the nature of a bicycle, and voila, a new experiment is formed. I must reiterate, I'm not really trying to build a sustainable breathing device at the moment, only trying...
  10. twiz_

    Methods for Preventing Erosion

    Can you conduct tests to see the nutrient content in the cliff side? In the vivarium community, it is common to run light (let me emphasize light) streams down the artificial structures in the tanks and then grow moss, algae, and assorted plants to strengthen them, while the streams supply them...
  11. twiz_

    Why water is a dispersive medium?

    Sorry, that's not what I meant. When I said I was hoping to refer to it, I meant that I was hoping others would understand that I was referencing the double slit experiment. Like I said, that's off topic and I don't want to derail.
  12. twiz_

    Why water is a dispersive medium?

    I don't want to derail this into quantum physics or something, but I was hoping to refer to the double slit experiment. Anyway, with the recent insight about white light refraction, does this mean that dispersion of light only happens outside of a vacuum? In the previous post, it isn't clear...
  13. twiz_

    Why water is a dispersive medium?

    Is light in wave form dispersive?
  14. twiz_

    Why do short circuits have zero voltage?

    I just wanted to pitch in with a question: If you short circuit a battery, the overall resistance of the circuit increases substantially, thus dropping the voltage. As a result does the current increase as to be consistent with the wattage? What's the relationship in the voltage drop over a...
  15. twiz_

    Insights Why Won't You Look at My New Theory? - Comments

    You couldn't have said it better.