Recent content by Tusike

  1. T

    I Preconditioning for linear equations

    I understand that for many iterative methods, convergence rates can be shown to depend on the condition number of the coefficient matrix A in the linear equation $$Ax=y.$$ Therefore, if a preconditioner satisfies $$P \approx A,$$ then by solving the transformed linear equation $$(AP^{-1})...
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    Brake design for a small RC car

    Hi! For a university project I have to design a braking mechanism for a remote controlled car. I have very little experience in designing constructions, so I thought I'd ask here for any advice on the matter. I'm mostly curious about the design pattern, the thought process I should be going...
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    Physical realization of a system

    @stephen: I guess that's the same conclusion I'm arriving at, that the naming is for historical reasons, or is very strict to avoid any confusion. Perhaps a better way of saying would be that the system is realizable "in a given frequency domain", and the formal definition requires it to be...
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    Physical realization of a system

    OK, so I understand how the idea is that you shouldn't get an infinite response from an infinite frequency input, because a physical system wouldn't have enough energy to produce that. 1) However, why is an infinite frequency input considered physically realizable? Is it possible to generate...
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    Physical realization of a system

    I'm sorry, I don't understand how that helps... That's the same link I posted, and it doesn't provide an explanation as to why the statements it makes are true. What am I missing? Why wouldn't my capacitor example be considered a realization?
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    Physical realization of a system

    Hi! I have a simple question regarding the realization of systems. In my university course books, it's mentioned multiple times that a system with a transfer function G(s) is realizable, if the denominator's degree is at least that of the numerator's degree. I found the same statement on the...
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    Fortran Help with Setting Up FortranCL Programming Environment

    Yes, you are perfectly right that I don't really know how to use MinGW. (I am able to use it to compile fortran code in windows though). I didn't know about MSYS, and I didn't include it when installing MinGW. But now I installed it as well, and the ./configure command is working! My next step...
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    Fortran Help with Setting Up FortranCL Programming Environment

    Hi! Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I am in the proper directory, and there is a file named 'configure', no extension. I'm using Windows 7, but I read that fortranCL should work there too. I hope that's not the problem.
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    Fortran Help with Setting Up FortranCL Programming Environment

    Hi! I wanted to ask if anybody here has any experience with FortranCL, the Fortran implementation of OpenCL. If so, I would be really thankful if you could help me in setting up the programming environment to use it. So far, I downloaded the MinGW compilers for fortran and c, and the latest...
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    Simulink help solving numerical oscillation

    Hi! Yes, I realized that the behavior is caused by the nature of the differential equations I'm working with. It seems the only solution is to modify the system in exchange for stability. The difficulty now arises in finding the least amount of modification needed to stabilize the system...
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    Help solving Simulink numerical oscillation

    Hi! I think I found a solution to my problem in the case of two chambers connected by a valve. I can calculate the amplitude of the oscillation that occurres, and have given a condition that leads to the oscillation damping, and my results agree with what I see in Simulink. If anyone would go...
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    Help solving Simulink numerical oscillation

    Hi! I posted a new thread about a week ago, but so far no one was able to help me: I wasn't sure if I posted in the right forum, so I'm posting it here hoping to reach a wider audience :) Any help is greatly appreciated! -Tusike
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    Simulink help solving numerical oscillation

    Hi! I'm trying to compute air flow between chambers for a project. I'm having a numerical oscillation problem, and I've created an example Simulink program that highlights the cause. Please see the attached Simulink model for a clear understanding; in the following I will do my best to give...
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    How to remember static IP address

    Hi! I have Windows 7 installed on my laptop. At home we have a wireless router, which in order to work, requires me to put in static IP addresses and DNS servers in the network connection's TCP/IP settings. In my university, in order for the internet to work, I have to tell the computer to...