Recent content by tryingtolearn1

  1. T

    Is it okay to add error bars into a histogram plot?

    I was able to find a lab report similar to mine that illustrates the usage better. If you look at page 3, in this link: the plot there is very similar to mine except they didn't include the histogram.
  2. T

    Is it okay to add error bars into a histogram plot?

    The error bars were produced by taking the Poisson of the counts, i.e. if N are the counts the error bars was ##\sqrt{N}##. Thanks I will modify my plot based off these suggestions
  3. T

    Is it okay to add error bars into a histogram plot?

    I made a histogram based off a dataset and I calculated the uncertainty of the measurements and I included the error bars into my histogram. Is that okay? I am asking because I never seen error bars included with a histogram. I have included an image of my histogram below:
  4. T

    Calculating Fermi Coupling Constant (muon)

    Actually I figured out my issue. I was include an extra factor of ##c^5##. Inside the square root it should have been ##.105^5## instead of ##(.105*(3*10^8)^2)^5##. Ty
  5. T

    Calculating Fermi Coupling Constant (muon)

    My new calculation using only dimensional analysis is $$\sqrt{\frac{GeV\cdot s}{s}\cdot\frac{1}{[(\frac{GeV\cdot s}{c^2}) \cdot c^2]^5}}=GeV^{-2}\cdot s^{-5/2}$$ which has an extra ##s^{-5/2}##.
  6. T

    Calculating Fermi Coupling Constant (muon)

    Ops I meant the mass of the muon is ##\approx 0.105GeV/c^2## but even with that unit correction I still get a value that is way off.
  7. T

    Calculating Fermi Coupling Constant (muon)

    I am trying to determine the Fermi Coupling Constant which is measured to be ##1.1663787 *10^{-5}\text{Ge}V^{-2}##. The formula for Fermi is ##\frac{G_F}{(\hbar c)^3}=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{\tau_\mu}\cdot\frac{192\pi^3}{(m_\mu c^2)^5}},## where ##m_\mu## is the mass of a muon which is ##\approx...
  8. T

    Which threshold value provides the most accurate results for muon decay time?

    I actually figured out the issue with my dataset. The issue was that i forgot to subtract off the background noise which skewed my data a lot and gave me the weird relationship where the the mV values decay times where inconsistent with the mV values. But once I removed the background noise, I...
  9. T

    Which threshold value provides the most accurate results for muon decay time?

    Oh I wasn't aware of this. But yes, when running the instrument, it did take days to accumulate accurate results. Here is a better manual that discusses the instrument more in depth: @mfb Can you please...
  10. T

    Which threshold value provides the most accurate results for muon decay time?

    Ops, sorry, I thought I attached that image in the original post. But not sure what you mean by one PMT? The set up in that diagram is a very popular TeachSpin instrument that is used in many universities: The test was run for over a day. The data 148mV...
  11. T

    Which threshold value provides the most accurate results for muon decay time?

    For the plastic scintillator detector the PMT High Voltage (HV) was set between 1100 and 1200 Volts. The HV remained in that constant range however the discriminator mV was changed each time which I gave the values above. But hmm why would you give me a low grade for lol? I plotted all the...
  12. T

    Which threshold value provides the most accurate results for muon decay time?

    I am trying to understand my results for my muon experiment. I conducted the experiment using a plastic scintillator photomultiplier detector. I have four different data sets, with different discriminator thresholds: 148 mV, 190 mV, 260 mV and 550 mV. I made a histogram of the counts of all four...
  13. T

    I Two stage amplifier for a plastic scintillator

    When detecting a muon, we can use a plastic scintillator which consists of the components in the diagram attached. I am trying to understand what exactly the "two-stage amplifier" does which is located in the top left corner in the image attached? I am unable to find any information on it online...
  14. T

    What is the purpose of the decay time distribution equation?

    Hmm but why would that equation be relevant? Suppose you know what ##t## is and you're trying to find ##\lambda##, why would ##D(t)=\lambda\exp(-\lambda t)## be relevant?
  15. T

    What is the purpose of the decay time distribution equation?

    I know for muons that the the probability that a muon decays in some small time interval ##dt## is ##\lambda dt##, where ##\lambda## is a decay rate. Thus the change in the population of muons is just ##dN/N(t) = −\lambda dt##. Integrating gives ##N(t) = N_0 \exp(−\lambda t)##. This makes sense...