Recent content by trustnoone

  1. T

    Pearson Correlation in Sleep Studies

    Hi guys, so I've been researching sleep studies and I've been looking at comparison on devices used, and most of them seem to obtain a magnitude value based on the acceleration seen on the device by the user. What I'm wondering about though is that the comparison between devices seem to be...
  2. T

    Maximizing EEPROM Storage Capacity for Arduino: A Basic Understanding

    Hi, thanks for your answer, basically just store and open, so no subtraction or changing or anything, but just store a large array of data of which I can read from later and then delete them all and store again. Also yes positive integers between 0000 to 9999 is correct, and hoping to just read...
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    Maximizing EEPROM Storage Capacity for Arduino: A Basic Understanding

    Hi everyone, so I was relooking into the external EEPROM problem I had earlier for the Arduino, and am thinking that I am missing even just a basic understanding of it. So I'm using this EEPROM which should have 256kbits of space. I am hoping to save 4...
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    EEPROM Save Data Arduino Programming Help

    hi guys, so I'm trying to save data onto my EEPROM, the problem is it works for a while of data, but not all of it. I'm not sure if its a problem with reading though, or the writing part. Essentially I'm writing an integer value into the EEPROM to obtain later, although I expect to have quite a...
  5. T

    Why Does My Calculator Show an Error with Tanh of a Complex Number?

    Thanks mate, its actually on my formula sheet on my exam I got to take tomorrow, but if that's the case I really don't think I will be able to use it with only my calculator itself. Cheers though.
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    Why Does My Calculator Show an Error with Tanh of a Complex Number?

    Nooooo :(, thanks for looking into it mate, I thought it was just something I was doing wrong. Is there any way I can do it normally? like any way I can do it say like the hard way?
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    Why Does My Calculator Show an Error with Tanh of a Complex Number?

    As the title shows, I want to do they hyperbolic tan of a complex number, using my calculator (casio fx100ms) but I keep getting a maths error, whether I do it using the tanh function or if I try the (1-e^(-2x))/(1+e^(-2x)) Any help would be awesome. Thanks.
  8. T

    Remove Gravity from Accelerometer values

    The wiiremote looks kool, seems like they just use the IR sensor to get around it, sort of feels like a very expensive way to go about it though? But I guess they felt it could be used for more then just finding out orientation. Apologies about my slow message back, I just read up on the Kalman...
  9. T

    Remove Gravity from Accelerometer values

    Thats really helpful DH thanks heaps for that, its sounding like my derivative and integrating idea would be quite bad then as it would be quite inaccurate. I'm hoping some of these problems I will be able to neglect, I'm more just trying to get a value of little movement, lots of movement...
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    Remove Gravity from Accelerometer values

    Woah okay that sort of blows my mind a bit, but it does make sense, thanks heaps for clearing that up for me, although I think my accelerometer is feeling inadequate now since you called it tiny :P. Unfortunately I'm still at a loss though, like it makes sense to add gravity vectorially now but...
  11. T

    Remove Gravity from Accelerometer values

    Hay guys, so I have an accelerometer which is obtaining values in either G or m/s/s depending on how I program it. Testing it everything seems fine and I get 1 G on one of the axis depending on how I hold it which is great. The problem is I'm using an ADXL345 accelerometer which gives me...
  12. T

    Trapezoidal Integral of Discrete Values

    Hi guys, so I'm trying to create this thing that gets accelerometer values and integrate those values at about 25 samples a second. From what I understand if I integrate the values, that means each second I have 25 values I want to integrate. I read this research paper where someone used the...
  13. T

    Making a Blinking LED 555 Timer

    Thanks so much for all your info mate, just found a page now explaining even more about the timer, and showing me the short between the trigger and threshold. From what I can gather I wanted the timer set as an astable and not monostable which I guess I should of guessed from the title of the...
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    Making a Blinking LED 555 Timer

    Oh right, that makes sense, I was confused with the trigger part as I didn't really understand it too much from the wiki page. Would that mean i should connect it to VCC? I just saw your schematic now, is that the inside of a 555 timer? Since it looks really interesting, I've seen a bit about...
  15. T

    Making a Blinking LED 555 Timer

    Really? I'm a bit confused about the pins especially the trigger :(, I did notice there was heaps of ways to hook them up as well. I'm hoping what I want is a monostable timer, just to give the impression of being high for 1 second then low for 1 second. I'm also putting VCC to 5V so hopefully...