Recent content by TriTertButoxy

  1. T

    S. Martin's Supersymmetry primer Metric

    I have Mueller-Kirsten's book. It is awesome; but they only go as far as setting up the machinery. Now I need to study MSSM and other non-perturbative physics. This is where Martin's primer comes in.
  2. T

    S. Martin's Supersymmetry primer Metric

    NEVER MIND; Martin has provided the readers with a way to easily convert it: Grab the source from the ArXiV, and change the following line in his tex file: \def\signofmetric{1}
  3. T

    S. Martin's Supersymmetry primer Metric

    Hi all, S. Martin's Supersymmetry primer ( is a wonderful source from which to learn SUSY. But, what really causes me (and others around me) huge consternation is Martin's use of mostly plus metric, when particle physicists use the mostly minus metric...
  4. T

    Programs Getting two PhD in SAME subfield

    After getting a PhD in high energy theoretical physics at one institution, could you apply and go to another institution (perhaps with higher prestige) for a second PhD in theoretical physics? Or is this technically disallowed? I suppose this will infuriate your first PhD advisor, and would...
  5. T

    Boost Angular Momentum Vector: Interpreting the Result

    Since the angular momentum vector \mathbf{J} is just a 3-vector, it transforms non-covariantly under Lorentz transformations -- more specifically, boosts generated by \mathbf{K}. Indeed, the commutator reads [J_i,\,K_j]=i\epsilon_{ijk}J_k. Under a finite boost, I find the angular momentum...
  6. T

    Is anyone familiar with REDUCE ?

    Perhaps you want to try FORM?
  7. T

    Moments, Cumulants, and effective action?

    Hi, I'm studying quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics, and they make heavy use of the 'correlation functions/green's functions' which are merely the moments of the distribution of some variable. I have very intuitive understanding of moments and cumulants in terms of the distribution...
  8. T

    Solving Sum of Integers for Given Constraints

    Ok, I think I found the answer; The answer has something to do with Bell's polynomials, and exponential formula. Thanks anyway :-)
  9. T

    Solving Sum of Integers for Given Constraints

    Hi, I'm doing a physics calculation, and along the way, I've run up against a curious math problem. I'm sure this is a rather classic problem in mathematics, but I'm just not acquainted with the subject enough to answer it, or even look it up, so hopefully someone can point me in the right...
  10. T

    Mystery of the lost degree of freedom in a gauge theory

    I don't buy that argument even in the slightest. If I had used the standard parameterization of the fields, using \phi and \phi^\dagger, the Lagrangian would read...
  11. T

    Mystery of the lost degree of freedom in a gauge theory

    This can't be true without qualifiers. In quantum electrodynamics, the (covariant) Lorentz gauge fixing condition is used by particle physicists. By fixing the gauge using that gauge condition doesn't leave the vector field with 3 physical degrees of freedom. There are still only two...
  12. T

    Mystery of the lost degree of freedom in a gauge theory

    Something is totally not making sense. In a complex scalar field theory, I have two field degrees of freedom, which I parametrize in polar field coordinates: \phi = \rho e^{i\theta}/\sqrt{2}, where \rho and \theta are real-valued; and its Lagrangian takes the form: \mathcal{L} =...
  13. T

    The Requirement of integer orbitals

    If you solve the angular part of the Schrödinger equation in the Coulomb potential (or for any spherically symmetric potential), you'll find that in order to satisfy boundary conditions at \theta=0 and \theta=\pi and \phi=0 and \phi=2\pi, you need to have "integer orbitals" (in your language).
  14. T

    Path Integral/Canonical Quantization of Gauge Theories

    This is awesome! Just what I have been looking for. But in their papers they make references to "anti-commuting c-numbers" which don't make conceptual sense. What do they mean by that? Usually "c-number" means "commuting number"; so is "c" taken to mean "complex" instead of "commuting" in...
  15. T

    Can a potential act in a small region of spacetime?

    Also, I don't know how to interpret your sketch; can you tell me what's on that graph? I'd love to know :)