Recent content by tribdog

  1. T

    Does Evo Change Her Avatar Every 5 Years?

    Come on Evo! Just for fun, pick a new one. But just keep it for 15 minutes
  2. T

    Does Evo Change Her Avatar Every 5 Years?

    Evo used to change her avatar about 6 times a week. She's had this one for a LONG time.
  3. T

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    What do you call a hippies wife? Missus hippie.
  4. T

    What would it take to convince you of magic / supernatural?

    Wow. You people really need a LOT of proof. I think I could believe in magic if I took off my shoes and my toenails were painted, but the weren't when I put my shoes on.
  5. T

    How Does Aging Change Our Perception of Ourselves?

    That was a horrible thing to say. Sorry. Remember how young we were when this started?
  6. T

    How Does Aging Change Our Perception of Ourselves?

    At our age they may have really moved on. :(
  7. T

    How Does Aging Change Our Perception of Ourselves?

    Wow. How many of the old group are still here?
  8. T

    How Does Aging Change Our Perception of Ourselves?

    My wife just started searching tribdog on the internet. I asked her not to, but she doesn't listen to me. Everyone who knows me please zip it!
  9. T

    How Does Aging Change Our Perception of Ourselves?

    Why didn't anyone tell me?
  10. T

    Been gone for awhile, how is everyone doing?

    I swear, one of these days I'm going to come visit you. You'll have to give a blanket and a spot on your couch, but that's okay right?
  11. T

    Been gone for awhile, how is everyone doing?

    I'm just amazed you still have the same avatar. You used to go through them. You were always one of my favorites though.
  12. T

    Been gone for awhile, how is everyone doing?

    I think I owe a lot of people here an apology. I started out being fun (I think) but I turned into a big jerk at the end. I was a pretty big drug addict at the time and it took me several years to get clean. I'm now drug free. For about 6 years now. I'm happily married, have a new baby (3...
  13. T

    Been gone for awhile, how is everyone doing?

    3, but 2 of them were accidentally.
  14. T

    Been gone for awhile, how is everyone doing?

    Sorry, just trying to feed my ego and see if I'm still remembered here.