Recent content by trendal

  1. T

    Quantum effects caused by our mathematics?

    I've been thinking about the nature of light, recently, and it ties into what you are proposing. What if light actually is a "wave", and its just that we can only detect it in certain energy levels? What if much of what we attribute to "quantum mechanics" is merely a result of our detection...
  2. T

    Is the Total Energy of the Universe Really Zero?

    Does the expansion of space mean that everything is gaining energy? When you take two objects and separate them by a distance, the gravitational energy between the two increases. Does the expansion of space result in the same thing?
  3. T

    Two hologram halves brought together

    True...but holograms are hardly paintings. They have this neat property where if you cut one in half you get two copies instead of merely two halves of the whole - as you would get if you cut a painting in half. It isn't possible to put two halves back together in exactly the same way as before...
  4. T

    Two hologram halves brought together

    At what point do you get the whole hologram back? What I mean is do you see the entire hologram as you bring the pieces together (like looking at something through two windows that are very close), or will you see two separate holograms right up until the point of contact?
  5. T

    Two hologram halves brought together

    A google search will bring up a lot of pages talking about cutting a hologram in halve and ending up with two smaller copies of the original hologram. What about the reverse? I can't find anything which says what happens when you stick the two pieces together again. Will you end up with two...
  6. T

    Asymmetric transmission of Infrared

    Here's a link to a NIST news article: "Testing their structures, the researchers found that around 30 times more light passed through in the forward direction than in reverse, a contrast larger than any other achieved thus far with visible light." This...
  7. T

    Asymmetric transmission of Infrared

    That was a second article...sorry for the uwo only link, it has been removed!
  8. T

    Asymmetric transmission of Infrared

    Asymmetric light propagation in chirped photonic crystal waveguides H. Kurt, D. Yilmaz, A. E. Akosman, and E. Ozbay »View Author Affiliations Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 18, pp. 20635-20646 (2012) We report numerical and experimental investigations of asymmetric light propagation in a newly...
  9. T

    Asymmetric transmission of Infrared

    I wasn't asking about normal one-way mirrors...please read the article in my second post...
  10. T

    Asymmetric transmission of Infrared

    I can think of several uses in power generation...say a thermoelectric generator with its cold side connected via heat pipe to the inside of the sphere such that the cold side is always kept much lower than ambient temperature. Would this create a sort of perpetual generator? Something tells me...
  11. T

    Asymmetric transmission of Infrared

    Asymmetric light propagation based on semi-circular photonic crystals Wang Lin-Hui et al 2014 Chinese Phys. B 23 034215 doi:10.1088/1674-1056/23/3/034215 A new structure based on a semi-circular photonic crystal is proposed to achieve asymmetric light propagation. The semi-circular photonic...
  12. T

    Asymmetric transmission of Infrared

    Is it possible to have a material that transmits infrared in one direction but not in the other? There are a few articles available that say it is, though I don't have any here with me now. So, let's say you make a hollow sphere of this material, oriented so that infrared light can pass out of...
  13. T

    Gravitational effect of virtual particles

    If virtual particles are constantly popping in and out of existence all around us, what gravitational effect does this have? Even if they are here for the briefest of moments they should be effected by gravity and have their own gravitational effect on other matter...shouldn't they?
  14. T

    Looking for a hard determinism type of QM interpretation

    Found this: Pretty neat! A replication of the double-slit experiment using droplets bouncing on a liquid...something I haven't seen before! Lends more evidence to support the pilot wave theory.
  15. T

    Looking for a hard determinism type of QM interpretation

    Hi all! I am wondering if there is an interpretation of QM where the future is "set in stone" (for lack of a better phrase). It can be unknowable (the future)...but it shouldn't be random in any way. Edit: basically I'm looking for a hard determinism type of QM interpretation.