Recent content by trebe

  1. T

    Perpetual motion (please just give me a chance, it's just a few questions)

    It did come across as slightly rude. I only gave one example as far as I'm aware, my bad if it came across differently. It was a genuine quest to increase my knowledge. I'm not trying to claim I'm right I want to understand why I am wrong, the best way of doing that is to question answers in my...
  2. T

    Perpetual motion (please just give me a chance, it's just a few questions)

    But it really isn't complex, it couldn't really be much simpler... As long as you can release the ball the at the top, everything would start again. It would just be a matter of releasing the ball, wouldn't it? And I didn't state I had discovered perpetual motion, in fact I'm positive I...
  3. T

    Perpetual motion (please just give me a chance, it's just a few questions)

    Why would it have to be a long distance for it to be dragged up a triangular shape? As long as there is some mechanism at the top to let the ball drop, everything should start all over again? Perhaps the force with which the ball is attracted to the magnet could be enough to trigger a...
  4. T

    Perpetual motion (please just give me a chance, it's just a few questions)

    This much makes complete sense to me. However why can't magnets be used to pull say a ball back up to the top again. Is there no way of getting the ball back up to the top whilst still getting gravity to at some point make it drop again? Do angles make a difference to the strength of gravity...
  5. T

    Perpetual motion (please just give me a chance, it's just a few questions)

    I realize just from the title a lot of people are going to shoot me down very quickly, but these are just questions to help my basic understanding. I'm definitely not a physics buff. I just want to know a couple of things pertaining to gravity and permanent magnets. Technically speaking are...
  6. T

    2 spinning or orbitting objects and their effect on time

    In the same area of questioning, if 2 objects were sent out in the same direction at c and 1/2c (or whatever speed with difference) these objects essentially being clocks they would show different times to an observer from earth. The question I'm leading up to involves information which can...
  7. T

    2 spinning or orbitting objects and their effect on time

    Sorry should have made my question clearer. Let's say both objects with clocks in them were spinning cylinders, both next to each other and both stopped at exactly the same time. Or in very small orbits say an inch in radius, as spheres. The experiment taking place on earth, so the observer...
  8. T

    What requires more bainpower? Professional writing vs advanced mathematics

    Advanced maths there are no rules? Even in simple maths there are rules, to make the easiest example possible; never divide by zero. There are rules after rules after rules, you don't get to pick and choose in almost all cases. A level maths and further maths it's just about possible to say...
  9. T

    2 spinning or orbitting objects and their effect on time

    If 2 balls or cylinders with watches inside were spun one at close to the speed of light, the other at half the speed of light, both with clocks or timers in them; would they show different times when stopped after having been spun for a certain length of time. I'd presume if they were made...