Recent content by transit442003

  1. T

    DREAD weapon system, power requirements

    there are probably millions of ways that we could try to counter act gyroscopic force and tensions but to look at this simply with the little information we have (hey they may invented some top secret material which is indestructible and all that) the costs for this one gun is going to be around...
  2. T

    Isotopes: Detailed Info on Emissions, Energy, & Half-Life

    effective half-life is the average time taken for the radioisotope in question say 131I that was administered to the patient to decay through either normal decay of biological decay where the body uses it's many different ways to excret the radioisotope from the body. 1 = 1 + 1 Te...
  3. T

    The yield of fruit juice from water based fruits compared to

    the homework is actually about the amount of fruit juice yield using proctase as a catalyst (so to speak) what i have chosen to do is to compare several types of fruit by seeing their fruit juice yield after 30 minutes of exposure to proctase but i was wondering whether the amount of water the...
  4. T

    The yield of fruit juice from water based fruits compared to

    the yield of fruit juice from water based fruits compared to... please help me to find a comparison experiment to find the yield of fruit juice between to types of fruit 1 containing more water than the other. thanx in advance :confused:
  5. T

    Studied cloning the way it is done

    oh no cloning in humans i mean we don't know really the long term effects of cloning so how should we approach this subject. what about the clones wouldn't they be human and so come under the human rights act would they be allowed to vote for example or to reproduce or maybe just to live a...
  6. T

    Mini Hovercraft DIY: Build an 8''x3'' Craft with 9-Volt Batteries

    when building make sure you use balsa wood as the board as it is light, easy to shape but fairly strong use about 12mm of this. secondly you need to build a skirt of rubber around the base of the hovercraft make sure it is air tight all around the sides but do not close up the bottom as then you...
  7. T

    Why Do Living Beings Die Despite Cellular Reproduction?

    i am a christian and for obvious reasons this wil affect my response to this sort of question but plaese bare with me. i believe that the human body was made to live but not to die but because of the genesis downfall of our sin our punishment is death but that is not it for me, i believe that...
  8. T

    Studied cloning the way it is done

    but what about the people knowing that they have a clone in some lab somewhere that has the same genetic info as them and looks exactly the same how would they feel imean i wouldn't want a substitute of me do you know because it's never really going to be me if i die i don't want to know that my...
  9. T

    Do blind people see clearly in dreams?

    i don't think we can inherit memories maybe when you are dreaming you can see the place that you haveread about in a book it could be a fictional or a real place somewhere and our brains create an image of what we read or even heard explained. like when I'm reading a book i can see the...
  10. T

    Atom's theoretical shape before Rutherford's experiment?

    can anyone please help me find a website showing the atom's theoritical shape before rutherford's experiment? a day without
  11. T

    Fighter aircrafts have the jet engines buried inside the fuselage

    from my knowledge but don't quote me on this fighter jets have their engines closer to the fusalage because they need to have a smaller turning cicle so of the engines were on the wings it would mean that the plane has to put in more effort to turn as it has to move the engines round and so slow...
  12. T

    Studied cloning the way it is done

    i just studied cloning the way it is done and the moral and ethical issues i was wondering what are the benefits anyway? a day without like.....well....scary!
  13. T

    Critical distance for quark exchange

    what is a quark? I'm doing as-level physics and hardly understand anything you people say day without like......well......scary!
  14. T

    Need Help Opening a Mechanical Safe?

    why not trying to put a sledge hammer through the front of it once i was working with my dad clearing out the garage and we found an old safe at the back probably left there by the previous owners or something but anyway i gave a big one into the door with my dad's sledge hammer and the thing...
  15. T

    Revolutionizing Rocket Engines: The Power of Direct Fusion and Fission Reactions

    Why don't you go and build one then you could be famous or something. day without sunshine well......scary!