Recent content by TotalNovice

  1. TotalNovice

    B Speed of interaction between entangled particles

    He's a fun guy on the evidence of his presentation. Thanks for sending this Dennis. I guess if Quantum computing and/or Quantum cryptography really work, then superpositioning becomes more of a fact than a theory?
  2. TotalNovice

    B Speed of interaction between entangled particles

    Blimey, at least 10,000 times the speed of light! That completely explains why Shyan questioned my use of the term "interaction"; this mechanism seems to be a phenomenon outside of the presumed ubiquity of cause and effect...that's done my head into be honest
  3. TotalNovice

    B Speed of interaction between entangled particles

    Thanks for the clarification Shyan. I'll stay away from "interaction" from here on. No doubt I'll be able to demonstrate my ignorance in many other ways in future postings! I remain, a TotalNovice
  4. TotalNovice

    B Speed of interaction between entangled particles

    When the spin of an entanglement particle is established, it is said that the corresponding spin of its entangled twin is revealed immediately, (via wave collapse?), and that this interaction can occur across a substantial distance. It has also been said that this immediate interaction can occur...