Recent content by tormund

  1. T

    How Can You Identify Each Bulb's Corresponding Switch with One Visit?

    use the iPhone app that allows you to turn on/off lights remotely
  2. T

    PF really can help you become a physicist

    yeah, but half o wiki isn't even true, just people tryin to be funny
  3. T

    Is Eating Out Every Night Truly Healthy?

    oh, well thanks fer warnin me in advance. i guess i still got a good thirteen yrs b4 i got to start eating healthier. tor
  4. T

    Is Eating Out Every Night Truly Healthy?

    and then there are those like myself who can eat fifteen pounds of candy and not gain a pound. got to love high metabolism. tor
  5. T

    Is Eating Out Every Night Truly Healthy?

    getting back to the previous topic, there is a very truthful quote i take into mind when considering what food to eat. "Exercise hard, eat right, die anyway." I don't recall exactly who said it, but does it really matter? i mean, were just going to crap all the food out and die anyway, right? tor
  6. T

    Old Brain Teaser: 10 Men & 10 Holes

    either they could dig the holes and waste that long amount of time and people, or rent a tractor and do it with less people in less time. tor Exercise hard, eat right, die anyway.
  7. T

    16-Year-Old Looking for Math/Physics Job

    hey all! whatz with you all badgering him! its not the end of the world if he doesn't know everything there is to know, he's just trying to get a job to help out his family for cryin out loud. begs the question, how much did you know about physics when u were sixteen? he's not expected to...
  8. T

    How Physics Forums looked back in 2001

    wow, i was never a member, but its sure changed over the years. tor Exercise hard, eat right, die anyway.
  9. T

    Question About Shoelace Tips: What Are They Called?

    thnx, whybother, much appreciated. tor
  10. T

    Question About Shoelace Tips: What Are They Called?

    hey,pplease this is sort of just a random question, but does anyone know what the little plastic tip on the end of a shoelace is called? much appreciated tor
  11. T

    Theistic Evolution - Insight & Answers

    Hey, does anyone have any insight to theistic evolution(the idea that God used evolution to bring about humankind) and why or why not it really makes sense? t'would be awesome if you have some answers. Tor
  12. T

    What are the Pros and Cons of Free Trade between the US and Canada?

    Free Trade is obviously an important issue in politics around the world. Could anyone give me reasons for or against free trade between the US and Canada(i.e. the pros and cons)? t'would be much appreciated. thnx:biggrin:
  13. T

    When will computer hardware match the human brain?

    don't they already? i mean that computers can compute billions of calculations per nanosecond. take tic tac toe, a computer plays millions of games in the span of about a second to logically determine the best move, and after a few games they learn your moves and modify their tactics. most...
  14. T

    Designing a F1 Model Car for Optimal Speed

    so ur saying it wuold be more efficient to built a cucumber with wheels?
  15. T

    Criminal's Statement to Avoid Prison Sentence

    I got a good one for y'all A criminal was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go...