Recent content by tonyp1001

  1. T

    The first CMB peak - Flat Universe

    The size of bouncing lumps of charged particles, DM and photons in the primordial universe is supposed to be around 220,000 lyr (= sound horizon since the acoustic speed is approx 0.6c). If we then calculate the angle A subtended at Earth by a lump of this size W, some 13.8 Glyr away D (back at...
  2. T

    Exploring the Binding Energy and Gluons: What Holds Nucleons Together?

    I'm interested in what holds protons and neutron inside the nucleus, whether it is binding energy, the strong force, a combinaation, or something else? I have read that it is actually the stong force 'leaking out' of the quark attractive strong force. But where does binding energy fi into this...
  3. T

    Exploring the Binding Energy and Gluons: What Holds Nucleons Together?

    Thanks to both replies - any more detail would be greatly appreciated.
  4. T

    Exploring the Binding Energy and Gluons: What Holds Nucleons Together?

    What actually holds nucleons together? Is it gluons from quarks (ie the strong force), or the mass defecit in total nucleon mass (binding energy)? How does one differentiate between these? Regards in advance