Recent content by tonequester

  1. T

    Concerning vibration sustain, wire mounted to wood base and metal base

    AlephZero. greetings, and thanks. I never really thought about the "lube trick", and I always lube(silicons) strings, nut, and bridge saddles at string changes, sometimes in between. I also have to agree with the thought about clean strings, or clean surfaces needed for the experiment. I once...
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    Concerning vibration sustain, wire mounted to wood base and metal base

    Greetings sophiecentaur. I don't mean to "pick on" you exclusively here, but am very happy that you replied. If I am understanding you correctly, it sounds like my "gut intuition" about this is correct. I don't know about loss from nut and bridge in this case, as I was going to make nut and...
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    How can I fix a double post on a forum?

    Greetings and thanks, to Jimmy, Astronuc, and Borek. Hey guys ! I really appreciate filling me in on how to correct double post situation. I'm still pretty new to forums, and I have found that such mistakes sometimes incur the wrath of some. My piece of S--- Toshiba laptop's keyboard is...
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    How can I fix a double post on a forum?

    tonequester here. I recently double posted the same post. Is there a way to get rid of one of these, after it has been posted. Apologies for being so stupid !
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    Concerning vibration sustain, wire mounted to wood base and metal base

    tonequester here. Greetings to ALL. I have posted about acoustic resonance on my last couple of posts, and have been given much good info. I have one more post concerning concerning this topic.. I am going to do an experiment to find out the answer to my query, IF there is no definitive...
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    Phase cancellation with opposing and unequal audio frequencies.

    sophiecentaur. Agreed and ditto. Good luck with the blues. you won't need it though with jazz experience behind you. We seem to think alike about stressing and over stressing tone factors. It's been a blast this time around. Hope to check in with you again sometime. I'm always searching for...
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    Phase cancellation with opposing and unequal audio frequencies.

    Greetings Naty1. The four most common professional solid body guitar finishes are nitrocellulose, polyurethane, polyester(all waterproof),and acrylic enamel, the most important type of which is automotive enamel(also considered waterproof. All of these will however, break down in time if...
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    Phase cancellation with opposing and unequal audio frequencies.

    sophiecentaur; Your a classical man ! My first lessons were with a 60's rocker, turned classical. He was a great teacher, willing to spend extra time with me, figuring out how to play certain songs I'd take him on tape(that I wan't ready for yet). We tried and tried to get me going with finger...
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    Phase cancellation with opposing and unequal audio frequencies.

    Hi sophiecentaur. The guitar without a headstock, at least the original ,was the Steinberger(Ned). He started with basses. The original L series(guitars) was made entirely from a proprietary blend of graphite and carbon fiber. It was said to have a smooth sound, immediate note attack, and even...
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    Phase cancellation with opposing and unequal audio frequencies.

    Greetings sophiecentaur. Thanks for the ongoing help, and now I know what lossy means. I am in agreement with you that perhaps stiffness might be more of a defining quality here, rather than mass. I have spent years trying to achieve MY best tone, and have found that adding .25 lbs. brass plate...
  11. T

    Phase cancellation with opposing and unequal audio frequencies.

    Reply to sophiecentaur. Yes, what you say about mass of solid body guitar is true. The perfect design for volume and sustain would be one that has equal mass at headstock and body. However, that would be a nightmare to play, heavy and unwieldy. I am not so sure about so about wood type...
  12. T

    Phase cancellation with opposing and unequal audio frequencies.

    Greetings Jilang, glad to make your aquaintance. Some of what you say is helpful for my needs. However, I think that you speak about acoustic guitars("volume is more a function of CAVITY and aperture"). I am posting about solid body electrics, with no cavities, like Stratocasters and Les Pauls...
  13. T

    Phase cancellation with opposing and unequal audio frequencies.

    Greetings Malverin. Thanks very much for being the first to reply to my query. While the information you have given me does not give a quick and simple answer to my :problem", I now realize that this is more complex situation than I had thought originally. I printed off your reply, and the...
  14. T

    Phase cancellation with opposing and unequal audio frequencies.

    Greetings to ALL. tonequester here. I am re-doing my first, and LONG post. Concerning an electric guitar. Strings resonate at say, 800Hz. Wooden neck and body have their own resonant frequency, so I am told. No two guitars resonate at the same frequency, as no two, complex, combinations of...