Recent content by tomwinwa

  1. tomwinwa

    Black Hole Mass and Energy Requirements for Sustainable Hawking Radiation

    But it's a really *interesting* handwave, and the containment of the antimatter would require more handwaving than the solution I have in mind. I'm still writing the rough draft but if you want to read the alpha draft I'll send it to's a SF noir mystery, with the tone of Blade Runner.
  2. tomwinwa

    Black Hole Mass and Energy Requirements for Sustainable Hawking Radiation

    50 MT (plus or minus) is more than sufficient for what I have in mind in my novel, and 2.4 kg is about in line with what I suspected. I presume any material would serve as long as it is the correct mass, so in this case I'm thinking to use lead. As for the mechanism, that's the one SciFi...
  3. tomwinwa

    Black Hole Mass and Energy Requirements for Sustainable Hawking Radiation

    This question pertains to a Sci-Fi story I am writing, using the concept of a black hole and Hawking radiation which is developed as an energy source, and I'd like to get some technical details worked out. My understanding is that an extremely small black hole will very quickly cease to exist...