Recent content by todo

  1. T

    Can a PC Processor Really Be Used as a Heater?

    Can we use heat from processor for heater? In some web, they said that is not feasible to do because the heat is not enough. PC processor has temperature 90 deg C (for game PC),so that is feasible, isn,t?
  2. T

    Earth's Gyroscopic Effect: Does it Cause Tilt?

    i've been learned gyroscope, but i have a litte thing which makes me confuse. Does Earth feel the gyroscopic effect? if the means of gyroscope is "if there is things which rotated on the different axis(x- axis,y- axix) so you will get moment on the other axis (z- axis)". Is that causes Earth...
  3. T

    The Swinging Sticks from Iron Man 2 in action Please visit that website.. Is that think include of prepetual motion? Have some one founded prepetual motion formula? Could you explain to me, how that works?and how to make it?
  4. T

    Need Mollier Diagram w/ Entropy Unit kcal/kg & Pressure Unit Bar

    I need mollier diagram, that entropy unit is kcal/kg and pressure unit is bar (kg/cm2) If you have the diagram, please reply my thread, asap. Thank you.
  5. T

    Renewable Energy (Gravitation)

    How the mechanism of gravity can converted to the electric energy?How much the power result? Please shared to me, if you have any literature..
  6. T

    How Do You Calculate Air Velocity from a Nozzle?

    use ideal gas equation.. P1. V1 = P2. V2 and debit equation Q= A. V and mass equation Q1=Q2
  7. T

    Need some good books on these subjects (Mech)

    Mechanics of materials: Hibbeler Engg Math and Finite element Method: Kreyzig Dynamis of Machine: Holowenko Theory of Machines : Shigley
  8. T

    Brainstorming Ideas for the Future of Mass Transportation

    Share your idea about futuristic mass transport,please.. Thank you..
  9. T

    I confused how memetics worksCould you share your knowledge?

    I confused how memetics works.. Could you share your knowledge?