Recent content by Tobias Funke

  1. T

    Wow, what a bargain No, wait....

    Next time, go the right distance away from the sign and hold up a hot dog at arm's length so it looks like the actual size. It's the poor man's "holding up the leaning tower of Pisa" picture.
  2. T

    Understanding the divide white/black/blue

    Why is it a problem to weigh both sides and come down in favor of one? I literally don't even know how you can think that's a problem. It's all well and good to say that we should try to find a common ground (and yes, not murdering police officers is definitely part of it), but it doesn't have...
  3. T

    Understanding the divide white/black/blue

    No, when the quote is put in context I don't think it's particularly inflammatory and I certainly don't think he's "daring" people to shoot cops. But even if someone thinks that, the way the quote was taken out of context for the purpose of ascribing certain ideas to Sharpton himself instead...
  4. T

    Understanding the divide white/black/blue

    That's such a misleading omission of single quotation marks that it's a flat out lie.
  5. T

    News Terrorist Attack in France 84 dead and counting

    I have a few comments about the poll questions but I do want to say that in fairness to mheslep, I don't know if he (I think it's a he) really did try to say that this is representative of true Islam as it's generally understood, which is why I started with an "if." It's just that since no...
  6. T

    News Terrorist Attack in France 84 dead and counting

    Do you mean a connection between Islamic extremists and ISIS? He's pretty clear that they follow a perverted brand of Islam: If saying that they follow a perverted brand of Islam is significantly different to you than saying that they're Islamic extremists, then you're looking for reasons to...
  7. T

    News Terrorist Attack in France 84 dead and counting

    Maybe because it has been less than a day and information is still coming in? Here's a recent CNN article where he's called a terrorist and named, as well s being linked to Tunisia. They only refrain from directly sating that he had ISIS connections because he may very well not have...
  8. T

    News Terrorist Attack in France 84 dead and counting

    As has just about everyone in the world, as well as acknowledging that the terrorists are Muslim extremists, which is why I don't know what people are supposedly not saying in order to avoid hurting others' feelings (I'm referring to dipole's post now). I think I have an idea, and it may shock...
  9. T

    News Dallas Attack Leaves 5 Dead: Sniper Ambush of Police During Protest

    Ok, fair enough about not getting your point. I've always understood the slash to mean "and," and you explicitly said "and" in your second post, so I interpreted it the way you actually wrote it. As for an anti-white police "movement"? (And is it still sweeping the country? If so, there are...
  10. T

    News Dallas Attack Leaves 5 Dead: Sniper Ambush of Police During Protest

    Emphasis mine. So once again, you claim that there's an anti-white movement sweeping America. It doesn't matter if you think it's secondary to something else or if I didn't chose to focus on the first thing you said. Unless you meant "anti-white police" and not "anti-police and anti-white," I...
  11. T

    News Dallas Attack Leaves 5 Dead: Sniper Ambush of Police During Protest

    There's no "anti-white movement sweeping America" and such a movement could never be legitimate under any circumstances. There's an anti-police corruption/misbehavior movement, which you seem to legitimately believe is equivalent*, and it is in fact based on reality (see the results of the...
  12. T

    Why Is It That An Apple Will Fall To The Earth?

    In a geocentric reference frame, the apple moves and the Earth doesn't. In the Malus domestica-centric frame, the Earth moves and the apple doesn't.
  13. T

    News What is the recent tribute song released for the Orlando nightclub shooting?

    That seems fairly easy to me. I don't think just anybody should be allowed to have certain kinds of weapons no matter what, but then again I just hate the Constitution and freedom. Edit: I can already see this going in circles, so I'm done posting. This onion article sums it up pretty well.
  14. T

    News What is the recent tribute song released for the Orlando nightclub shooting?

    Mental health reform and effective gun control can both happen simultaneously, you know. I see a lot of monotone and ineffective blather from the right too: Chicago, black on black crime, why focus on the LGBT aspect because they're all part of the larger class of bipeds?, mental health...
  15. T

    News What is the recent tribute song released for the Orlando nightclub shooting?

    Whether it makes the news or not, it happens.