Recent content by toam

  1. T

    Solving Bibtex Referencing Problem for Multiple Papers in Same Year

    I am having a problem with bibtex when I have a second paper by the same author (or at least the same lead author) in a single year. For example if I have two papers, with the following authors: Paper 1 - Author 1, Author 2, Author 3, Author 4 (2008) Paper 2 - Author 1, Author 5, Author...
  2. T

    LaTeX Problem with LaTeX hyperref package

    Ok I managed to solve the problem. For anyone else that might be interested: I was including the package with: \usepackage{hyperref} However if I include it with: \usepackage[dvipdfm]{hyperref} Then it works when I use dvipdfm to convert to pdf.
  3. T

    LaTeX Problem with LaTeX hyperref package

    I am having some trouble with the hyperref package in terms of it not actually providing links to my internal references. If I use the pdflatex command to compile my document to a pdf, the links work fine. However if I use the latex command to compile to a dvi and then dvi2pdf (or whatever...
  4. T

    Deriving the continuity equation from the Dirac equation (Relativistic Quantum)

    Ok so it turned out I had multiplied the wrong function on the left. It worked out quite simply when I fixed that. The lecture notes had erroneously shown both functions multiplied on the right. Thanks, tiny-tim.
  5. T

    Deriving the continuity equation from the Dirac equation (Relativistic Quantum)

    I tried that and got something else that didn't work. However I will try again because I was surprised that it didn't work so I may have made a mistake or missed something obvious...
  6. T

    Deriving the continuity equation from the Dirac equation (Relativistic Quantum)

    So I am trying to derive the continuity equation: \frac{\partial}{\partial x^{\mu}}J^{\mu} = 0 From the Dirac equation: i\gamma^{\mu} \frac{\partial}{\partial x^{\mu}}\Psi - \mu\Psi = 0 And its Hermitian adjoint: i\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{\mu}}\overline{\Psi}\gamma^{\mu} -...
  7. T

    Aperture Stops, Entrance Pupils & Exit Pupils

    I'm doing an assignment involving an optics question. There is a lens (diameter 4cm, focal length 5cm) an apeture (diameter 5cm, position 2cm in front of lens) and an object (1.5cm high, 8cm in front of lens). Now I have determined that the lens is the aperture stop. Now, because the lens...
  8. T

    Velocity of mechanical waves

    Ok, so the velocity of mechanical waves through a medium is equal to the square root of some elastic property divided by some inertial property... I did a quick search on google and a couple of textbooks and cannot find any actual explanation as to why this is. It is intuitive, yes, but...
  9. T

    Deriving Distance Modulus: m - M = 5log(d/10)

    Ahh yeah I worked it out now... m1 - m2 = 2.5log(F1/F2) Just needed to be reminded that absolute magnitude is what the apparent magnitude would be at a distance of 10 parsecs...
  10. T

    Deriving Distance Modulus: m - M = 5log(d/10)

    Distance modulus derivation (I hope this is the correct subforum) I was wondering if anyone can help me, I am hoping to show a derivation of the distance modulus m - M = 5log(d/10) It looks very similar to the m = m(sun) - 2.5log((L/L(sun)).(r(sun)/r)^2) so I'm assuming that they...
  11. T

    What is the resistance of R1 ?

    For a class I'm doing I have an assignment where we have to do a report on a Space Science Instrument. I am doing Cloud Profiling Radar. Part of the report has to involve some calculations which basically just apply out knowledge of physics to the properties of the instrument. The...
  12. T

    Whether this statement is true or false

    (x^n - 1) = (x^(n/2) -1) (x^(n/2) - 1) = (x^(n/4) - 1)(x^(n/4) + 1)(x^(n/2) + 1) and so on, where the power of x is n/(2^k). Consider the case where n is odd, dividing n by 2^k will never equal 1.