Recent content by tlrmaus

  1. T

    A K shell electron is ejected from a tungsten atom

    Homework Statement A K shell electron is ejected from a tungsten atom. The result of this is the emission of a characteristic x-ray proton. (The binding energy of the K shell in tungsten is 69.5keV. The binding energy of the L shell in a tungsten atoms is 10.5 keV). a) If the vacancy in the K...
  2. T

    How Do I Calculate Equivalent Resistance Without Voltage?

    which ones would be in parallel and series? and what do you mean by starting from the farthest point of the battery? start at the 2ohms resistor?
  3. T

    How Do I Calculate Equivalent Resistance Without Voltage?

    Homework Statement What is the approximate equivalent resitance of the five resistors shown in the circuit show below? Equations The Attempt at a Solution How do I solve this without voltage given?
  4. T

    Engineering Find equivalent resistance in this circuit?

    Yeah the current in R1 and R2 does = the current in R4 and R5. I'm just wondering why would that work? Thanks vk6r0.
  5. T

    Engineering Find equivalent resistance in this circuit?

    ok i figured it out. is the answer suppose to be 175 ohms?
  6. T

    Engineering Find equivalent resistance in this circuit?

    I found the current going through all the resistors so can I just use Req = V / I? V being 24 and I being I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 + I5.
  7. T

    Engineering Find equivalent resistance in this circuit?

    Homework Statement Find the equilivant resistance in the wheatstone bridge circuit. Here is a picture: Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know R1 and R2 are in parallel and R4 and R5 are in parralel but I'm getting confused with R3...