Recent content by tkyoung75

  1. T

    I How do we know that red-shift is caused by expansion?

    Thank you all for taking the time to answer my question and providing insight. Sorry for posting as a post graduate topic. I can see now that it is quite fundamental. Regards.
  2. T

    I How do we know that red-shift is caused by expansion?

    Hi, I am not a cosmologist, but this question has been bugging me for some time. I am an engineer, and I own an aquarium, at least I owned an aquarium with an awesome LED light. Under certain conditions, I found that when the blue night light was on, organics in the water would fluoresce, green...
  3. T

    Help -- I don't understand work

    Work is a form of energy transfer. Heat is the other form of energy transfer. People used to believe that heat was a fluid, called caloric. This was proven to not be the case through the work of Clausius, Joule, Coriolis, etc. Their work led to the understanding of 'energy' that we have today...
  4. T

    Ideal Gas Law in Two Dimensions

    Only if they are the same speed. The change in velocity of each particle will be the same, and the total velocity after the impact will be the same as the total velocity before the impact.
  5. T

    Bounce of the cue ball in snooker

    I could not find a standard coefficient of restitution for billiard cushions, although the above reference indicates what one might expect. The cushions are made of rubber (natural or synthetic), and accuracy of bounce over a range of speeds is a key performance measure.
  6. T

    Enthelpy vs Internal Energy in Phase Change

    Thank you both for your input. I have revised the calculation following earlier comments, as below. It is the advertised specific heat capacity for milk. It is the only data found for milk (i.e. thermal tables for milk have not been found). Specific heat for water is given in the text for a...
  7. T

    B Defining Planets: The Case of Pluto and Other Small Bodies

    Pluto is a planet, and now they call it a dwarf planet.
  8. T

    Enthelpy vs Internal Energy in Phase Change

    Question: A steaming wand is used to raise the temperature of 300ml of refrigerated milk from 4 degC to 67 deg C. How much water is added? Known: Data is provided for steam injection into an open cup of milk. Find: The increase in volume of the milk, and hence the quantity of water added...
  9. T

    Bounce of the cue ball in snooker

    Maybe if it has spin
  10. T

    Enthelpy vs Internal Energy in Phase Change

    Thank you Andrew. The assumed pressure is adjusted to 103kPa, and the discrepancy in h and u resolved using tables. The following diagrams outline my estimate as to how the steam descends from an elevated pressure and temperature, to the point where it is hot water: - cooling of superheated...
  11. T

    What formula is most suitable?

    Well if you had two masses each traveling in the same direction and they hit a wall at the same speed at the same with force F, what would the total force be?
  12. T

    What formula is most suitable?

    That is the one I had in mind. Do you know how to add them together, if you have a mass in the centre and a mass on the outside?
  13. T

    What formula is most suitable?

    Do you know the basic formula for inertia?
  14. T

    What formula is most suitable?

    What do you have to do to change the direction? This about Newtons laws of motion.