Recent content by tkav1980

  1. T

    Non-Newtonian Fluids: Understanding Strength for Armor Experiments

    I don't. I found several articles referencing it. I'm not sure this is the same thing but google was able to provide this link. it looks similar to what Moratex produced from the information I could find...
  2. T

    Is the Rise of Anti-Work Taking Over Reddit?

    I work in sales for a human capital management software platform company. The common thread during the great resignation is employees have access to information. Companies that provide better perks than jeans on friday and invest in engaging their employees, providing a good work/life balance...
  3. T

    Non-Newtonian Fluids: Understanding Strength for Armor Experiments

    Hello, It's been some time since I've visited and the nature of my question could cover engineering, physics or chemistry so I'm unsure where exactly to post it. I hope here is ok. I don't have the education to understand any published research on the topic and I hope someone here can provide a...
  4. T

    What SciFi universe would you live in?

    Stop poking holes in my flawed logic damnit!
  5. T

    I with an Excell formula I cannot figure out.

    Wow, Thanks! I was looking around in the formulas to see if I could find something. Thanks for the help!
  6. T

    What SciFi universe would you live in?

    Star Wars, hands down. Forget all the fancy tech, there's The Force. Seriously, how much fun would that be?
  7. T

    I with an Excell formula I cannot figure out.

    Im trying to set up a spread sheet for my chef but I am stuck. Cell B2 = invoice total Cell C2 = chemical total Cell D2 = Sum(B2-C2) Cell E2 needs to be...if cell d2 < 4000 then multiply by 1%, if 4000 or greater multiply by 2%. Im very stuck on E2 and can't figure out how to make a...
  8. T

    Higgs Mass and Other Particles

    Isn't a particle just a small packet or excited state of a field? Wouldnt that mean that the Higgs particle IS the Higgs field in a local state of excitement? Sorry, I'm not a physicist, just interrested.
  9. T

    How can the Higgs Boson have a mass?

    Please forgive my ignorance as I am only an interrested observer and not a physicist. I would like to know if my line of thinking is correct. Particle accelerator colides protons at almost the speed of light. That results in a super high level of energy in a small area. That energy is...
  10. T

    Terminal velocity in a vacuum.

    Ahh, I see your point. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
  11. T

    Terminal velocity in a vacuum.

    Thank you, that was my first intuition, but that leads me to the source of my question. If an objects mass increases relative to its velocity, where aproaching c that mass approaches infinity, the energy required for more acceleration also approaches infinity. What I am not quite understanding...
  12. T

    Terminal velocity in a vacuum.

    Imagine being infinitely far away form the Earth yet still able to experience its gravity with the same force as it is felt on earth. You are also in a vacuum falling towards earth. Since you are infinitely far away you will never reach it. Is there a point where the strength of Earth's gravity...
  13. T

    Terminal velocity in a vacuum.

    I am curious if there is a terminal velocity for an object in free fall in a gravitational field based on the strength of that field. If I was falling to Earth and there was no atmosphere, and I had infinite time to fall(Meaning I'd never actually reach the surface) would the strength of Earth's...
  14. T

    I need to change careers at 31 years old.

    I'm going to see what it would take to get into a Program At Stockton College right around the corner from where I live. They have a 7 year BS/PHD program for Physical Therapy. At least Talking to the department head may give me an idea of what direction I need to go in. I think the combination...
  15. T

    Medical How do calories cause weight gain?

    Ask any bodybuilder trying to move up a weightclass ( If they're moving up a weight class they need to come in at the top of it to win. So your looking at a good 15 to 20 LB gain in lean mass) how much time they spend in the bathroom. I assure you its quite a bit.