Recent content by TK421

  1. T

    Thermodynamic cycle efficiency

    I do understand it now. Thank you :)
  2. T

    Thermodynamic cycle efficiency

    Absolutely. The task itself states, that we are given a cycle, which is represented as a circle on a T-S diagram, which is parameterized using T_h and T_c. My main concern though is, how would i get an expression of T as a function of S...
  3. T

    Thermodynamic cycle efficiency

    Sorry, I wasn't precise enough, it has to be a circle, not an ellipse. I put that diagram more for an illustrative purpose.
  4. T

    Thermodynamic cycle efficiency

    Homework Statement n moles of gas, that follow van der Waals equation are to be employed as the auxiliary system in a circular cycle(parameterized using T_h and T_c as shown on the TS diagram. Calculate the efficiency of the cycle. Homework Equations , , Q = TdS The Attempt at a Solution...