Recent content by tjackson3

  1. T

    Math Applied Math PhD Industry Job Prospects

    That is certainly worrying. Your experience in particular makes me think that at the very least, it might be a good idea to leave for awhile but not to swear off grad school completely
  2. T

    Math Applied Math PhD Industry Job Prospects

    Hahaha somehow, I didn't answer those questions in binary, though I would have done before grad school. That's the thing - I feel like grad school has crushed a lot of my spirit, but I'm willing to go through it if it'll substantially help me
  3. T

    Math Applied Math PhD Industry Job Prospects

    Hmm, that's really interesting and a lot to think about. Do you think MS grads are at any substantial disadvantage in terms of salary and employment compared to PhD grads? I have no desire whatsoever to stay in academia, even to get a PhD unless it seems like it would help me down the road...
  4. T

    Math Applied Math PhD Industry Job Prospects

    Hmm, that's interesting. The professors I spoke to, I asked them more generally what applied math PhDs are doing in industry, not theirs in particular, but I imagine that their own students would be the first examples to come to mind. Maybe that's a good reason to get out of the program unless...
  5. T

    Math Applied Math PhD Industry Job Prospects

    I've talked to a few professors about this, but none of them know anything outside academia. That was part of what made me want to leave - that academic disconnect with the outside world
  6. T

    Anyone considering a career as a patent attorney?

    I'm a graduate student in applied math. I've received my MS and am debating on continuing on for my PhD. How much would having the PhD over the MS help me if I were to become a patent lawyer? Also, I'd heard that the patent legal market was the one area that was still doing well in terms of...
  7. T

    Continue with my AM PhD program or go into patent law?

    I'm still in limbo, sort of spinning my wheels. I have contact with a professor who seems interested in me, and I think I can get it to work... but I really just don't want to
  8. T

    Math Applied Math PhD Industry Job Prospects

    I don't really have anything to add. I'm in a similar position - I now have my MS in applied math and am trying to decide if I want to stay on for my PhD
  9. T

    Continue with my AM PhD program or go into patent law?

    I'm beginning my second year in my PhD program. I had to fight very hard to make it to the second year, as my program condenses the normal two year masters sequence that would make up the beginning of other programs into one year. They were also very eager to cut students using prelims, so the...
  10. T

    Mathematica plot question, dsolve

    Two things: In your DSolve[] command, change b to b[a]. Second, if it's not plotting properly, it's for two reasons. You're using a lin-log plot to plot the answer, and the answer has imaginary components. Also, you have a second order equation with only one boundary condition. I assume that...
  11. T

    What is the difference between an excitable system and a relaxation oscillator?

    Homework Statement Consider the following set of differential equations: \begin{eqnarray*} \dot{u} & = & b(v-u)(\alpha+u^2)-u \\ \dot{v} & = & c-u \end{eqnarray*} The parameters b \gg 1 and \alpha \ll 1 are fixed, with 8\alpha b < 1. Show that the system exhibits relaxation...
  12. T

    Greek student going for grad studies in USA

    Hello! First off, you're still a freshman. Don't worry about grad school just yet! College is for more than finding what you want to do immediately and getting tunnel vision. You may decide to go into a different field entirely, or possibly not want to do grad school at all (and from what I...
  13. T

    Induction on the n-dimensional, radially symmetric wave equation

    Homework Statement Consider the radially symmetric wave equation in n dimensions u_{tt} = u_{rr} + \frac{n-1}{r}u_r Use induction to show that the solution is u = \left(\frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}\right)^{(n-3)/2} \frac{f(t-r)}{r} for n odd and u =...
  14. T

    Definite integral evaluation (Inverse Fourier Sine Transform)

    That worked beautifully, vela. Thank you!
  15. T

    Definite integral evaluation (Inverse Fourier Sine Transform)

    I think that last integral may be the right way to do it, since \int_0^{\infty}\ e^{-k}/\sqrt{k}\ dk \propto Erf(\sqrt{k})