Recent content by tionis

  1. T

    B Space Stationary Orbit: Possible to Park Ship for 1 Year?

    Yes. I don't want to orbit the sun. I just want to stay in the same place where I stationed the ship and watch the moon and the Earth slowly drift away from me, make their trip around the sun, and comeback to the same place i am.
  2. T

    B Space Stationary Orbit: Possible to Park Ship for 1 Year?

    Is it possible to park a ship say halfway between the Earth and the moon and stay there for about a year and watch the Earth and moon go around the sun and comeback to the same place you are?
  3. T

    B Amplituhedron & E8: Exploring Connections & Overlaps

    Wow! Thanks, Mitchell Porter.
  4. T

    B Amplituhedron & E8: Exploring Connections & Overlaps

    Hi. I've been watching Nima's lectures on the Amplithedron, and have followed Lisi's E8 theory as well. While not able to understand them in a rigorous way, I'm fascinated by these two geometric objects and I'm wondering if the two could be combined, or if you could derive one from the other. I...
  5. T

    Crush Cocoa Puffs with Compressed Air – Science Project

    For a science project/competition, my friend and I have the chance of building a kick butt device to dazzle the judges. Because I'm nuts about relativity and black holes (or maybe just nuts o0)), I thought maybe we could go for broke and build a transparent, pressurized box to pulverize the...
  6. T

    Find the Building: Solve the Clues & Show the Map!

    :frown:Oh no, you shouldn't have. That was a good one. Since no one solved it, you may post another one if you like. :smile:
  7. T

    Find the Building: Solve the Clues & Show the Map!

    Then I give up lol. Mr. Scott, please move us forward!
  8. T

    Art Are art and science bad friends?

    Awesome! You are definitely an artist. Don't know about arts and science being bad friends. They usually couple those two together in colleges.
  9. T

    Find the Building: Solve the Clues & Show the Map!

    You are correct!:partytime: Your turn.
  10. T

    B Inside a Black Hole: Rest Frame & Singularity

    It is a moment in time, true, but we assign this moment in time shapes, like a ring, and spaghettification powers etc. I still don't understand how a moment in time can have all those attributes.