Recent content by tinky

  1. T

    Area of a non-right angled triangle with information missing

    Thanks for the link. For some reason I didn't think 0.5xbxh = area would work with an oblique triangle..really silly of me
  2. T

    Area of a non-right angled triangle with information missing

    No idea, i would've done it the easiest way which is to find the area of a rectangle and take away the areas of the two smaller triangles around the original triangle.
  3. T

    Area of a non-right angled triangle with information missing

    The area of the triangle in the attachment has to be found. It is not stated in the question what kind of a triangle it is nor are there any angles given. I believe that there is information that has been left out of the diagram to solve this question (This is a question in a maths...