Recent content by Timmykuku

  1. Timmykuku

    Does Ambient Temperature Affect Cold-Blooded Animals' Size?

    Thanks! So far I've found that cold-blooded animals can hibernate And become sluggish in cold environments, but not any information regarding a change in size. I was wondering if someone knew if they could possibly following something as straight-forward as the above formula. This question...
  2. Timmykuku

    Does Ambient Temperature Affect Cold-Blooded Animals' Size?

    Since cold-blooded animals, such as lizards, turtles, &c., take on the temperature of their environment, can we expect them to linearly and volumetrically expand/shrink in warmer/cooler environments? In addition, can we expect them to follow the simple equation: ΔV=βV0ΔT, for some volume...
  3. Timmykuku

    Hello Everyone I am a current MSE student.

    Hi everyone, My name is Tim and I'm hoping to delve deeper into topics that I gain interest in from the classes I am enrolled in. I am currently a 3rd year in Materials Science and Engineering, but I have an interest in mathematics and most sciences.