Recent content by TimID

  1. T

    Finding eigenvalues, Shankar exercise 1.8.3

    You're absolutely right, there was a factor of a half in the original question that I completely missed, thanks. I must have checked the original problem a dozen times before posting and didn't spot it, I hate my brain sometimes. Thanks again, Tim
  2. T

    Finding eigenvalues, Shankar exercise 1.8.3

    First, I appologise if this is in the wrong place, while the book is QM, the question is pure maths. Also I'm not sure if this techically counts as homework as I am self studying. Finally, sorry for the poor formatting, I'm not that good with LaTeX Homework Statement Given the matrix...
  3. T

    What would happen in this double slit experiment?

    etamorphmagus: Thanks, that's what I thought, just wasn't sure.
  4. T

    What would happen in this double slit experiment?

    Hi, I was reading Hawking's "The Grand Design" and I came up with a question I didn't know the answer to. He describes a variant of the two slit experiment with particles where a faint light is shone on the slits to determine which one each particle goes through. Naturally this destroys the...