Recent content by Timelord88

  1. Timelord88

    The first human : male or female

    We humans and chimpanzees had a common ancestor from which we seem to diverge. So that indicates that the common ancestor we had at some point gave birth to an offspring which would have slightly different features or mutations. So at some point in history of the common ancestor of humans and...
  2. Timelord88

    How did "Visible light" come into existence?

    Thanks for suggesting these topics.. Both were extremely helpful.
  3. Timelord88

    How did "Visible light" come into existence?

    Thanks to all.. I`ll read up on the topics suggested. Amaterasu21- Thanks for explaining it in such a simple way. I`ll get back to you all if i have any more doubts..
  4. Timelord88

    How did "Visible light" come into existence?

    As i read when the big Bang happened,it was in a hot dense state for the first million years. Then the gases started to collect together and cool down,to form stars. (Sorry if i`m being wrong). So when did and how did the first ray of visible light came into existence?
  5. Timelord88

    Hard Science Fiction Fans: Recommendations & Farside by Ben Bova

    Some good science fiction movies:: *Primer - If you watch the movie once and said that you understood the whole fiasco,you would be lying. *Timecrimes *Pi