Recent content by time traveller d

  1. T

    Exploring the Risks of the Large Hadron Collider

    if the LHC creates a black hole... just wondering, if somehow a black hole is created by the LHC that can destroy the earth, would there be a way to close the black hole? or would we all just be doomed?
  2. T

    What existed before the big bang?

    i just came up with a theory. another universe. maybe when a universe ends it explodes in a big bang and creates another universe. what do you guys think?
  3. T

    What existed before the big bang?

    i all ways wonder this. what existed before the big bang?
  4. T

    Impossible for Universe/Existence to be Random?

    how did the laws of physics come into being? wouldn't someone(god) have to have basicly written these laws? well anyway, what i was trying to ask is what are the odds/probability the universe just came into existence on it's own? are there any mathematicly equation's that prove the universe...
  5. T

    Does light have weight and mass?

    i'm just wondering, does light have weight and mass? if so, what is the weight and mass of light?
  6. T

    The Greatest Discovery in Maths

    as simple as this will sound, i would have to say the concept of zero. zero was not a part of math for a long time. from what i heard/understand it was the aztecs or the incas that came up with the concept of zero/nothing.
  7. T

    Wouldn't god be able to manipulate and break the laws of physics?

    i was trying to ask is since god created the laws of physics shouldn't he be able to manipulate and breaks the very laws of physics he made? i would think he would be able to. also, since he created the laws of physics and can manipulate and break these law's i would think that the laws of...
  8. T

    Impossible for Universe/Existence to be Random?

    is it mathematicly/statisticly impossible for the universe and existence (i'm talking from the moment of the big bang to when life first appeared) to have happened randomly? so many billions and billions of thing's had to happen just right from the big bang to when life first appeared without...
  9. T

    Wouldn't god be able to manipulate and break the laws of physics?

    since god created all of existence includeing the very laws of physics that govern our universe then, couldn't god be able to manipulate and break the laws of physics that he created? also, wouldn't that mean that the laws of physics can not prove nor disprove god's existence? sorry if this is...
  10. T

    Is There a Speed of Darkness? And Other Questions About Light and Perception

    there is the speed of light. just wondering, is there a speed of darkness. if so, what is it.
  11. T

    Why do some people die, while others dont?

    who says god choose's the way and time we die? it could just be random chance how and when we die.
  12. T

    Does evolution violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics

    people who believe in creation say evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics. those who believe in evolution say it does not. who's right? if it does violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics why and how? i just want to know who's right on this issue. p.s. sorry if this has been asked before...