Recent content by TimDubya

  1. T

    Trying to make a Superconducting tube

    Liquid helium is expensive.
  2. T

    Flame test and black (or gray) body

    I imagine in the case of the rod heat gets conducted from the source and spread fairly evenly due to the lattice structure. With the powder I think there are probably more ionization events (B/c heat cannot conduct as easily) which would lead to the discrete emission structure.
  3. T

    So I need to make a superconducting tube.

    Preferably YBCO or BSCCO as I only have liquid nitrogen at my disposal. The issue I'm running into is that no HTS producer makes superconductors in this configuration. I was thinking of just buying the YBCO powder and then either pressing it into the desired shape or mixing in a binder of some...
  4. T

    Trying to make a Superconducting tube

    I'm doing an experiment which requires the fabrication of a superconducting hollow cylinder but I am unable to find a firm which does custom manufacturing of this nature. I have found numerous which sell the high Tc powders (YBCO BSCCO). My question is if I do just buy the powders what could I...
  5. T

    How Does Relativity Affect Observations of Light by Alice and Bob?

    Ok then my original intuition was correct, thank you.
  6. T

    How Does Relativity Affect Observations of Light by Alice and Bob?

    How might one go about mentally separating such notions.
  7. T

    How Does Relativity Affect Observations of Light by Alice and Bob?

    I'm sure many will cringe at the mere sight of this question. I've only had a brief introduction to relativity so I am having difficulty conceptually with a problem a professor posed to me. His question is of standard Bob and Alice form. "Bob is on a flatbed train, Alice is in the station...
  8. T

    Alcubierre Drive: Exploring Possibilities Beyond Exotic Matter

    I've been here awhile I just never posted but thank you xD Ok it seems that line is the one that Is being misunderstood so I changed it, I don't mean that the BH's would act as propulsion but that they would distort space in such a way as to make the apparent distance to the destination less...
  9. T

    Alcubierre Drive: Exploring Possibilities Beyond Exotic Matter

    Well the article was just for feasibility of producing black holes. I should clarify I did not mean to infer that the black holes would act as propulsion, rather you would use conventional means to propel your ship but would be moving into a gradient of condensed space.
  10. T

    Alcubierre Drive: Exploring Possibilities Beyond Exotic Matter

    I didn't really know where to put this. So a few months ago I was reading about the Alcubierre Drive and became fascinated with the prospects of this theory. However I was disheartened that so many felt it was unattainable due to the need for exotic matter. Recently I came across this...