Recent content by thunderfvck

  1. T

    What is the sigma bond count for 2 hydrogen in sulfuric acid?

    From memory SO4(-2) has the S as the central atom, two O's oppositely have a pi bond, and the remaining two have sigma bonds each with a negative charge. The H's are attached to these O's.
  2. T

    Can Einstein's View on Science and Religion Be Justified?

    I think that Einstein meant that he knows (and don't we all) that there are things in this universe which cannot be explained using physics (not yet anyway). To say that science with religion is lame, is lame! Everyone needs to have some kind of faith in some kind of religion. Without religion...
  3. T

    Is tsunami man's interference with nature

    My teacher believes the same thing (not about the tsunamni specifically, but about the origin of all these disasters). He believes that there is an equilibrium within nature and when man begins to pump other things into the environment, the environment is forced to comply by causing a shift in...
  4. T

    How does a lifeform receive life?

    Thanks for the replies guys! You raise a good point by asking what I consider to be alive...I was thinking last night that every system that utilizes unique DNA has a soul: bacteria, virii, plants, animals, insects, etc. But in the case of clones, whereby there are two existing entities that...
  5. T

    Why do plants have certain chemicals?

    There are a whole bunch of plants on this planet which produce an array of chemicals. I'm sure there are chemicals in the plants which had developped as a result of natural selection; some of them are used to help the plant survive certain conditions/predators. But I'm sure there are a lot of...
  6. T

    How does a lifeform receive life?

    Well, my original idea was that everything that is alive had a soul. The soul was given to the organism the moment its life had begun. By life I mean any thing that has DNA and is consuming resources to sustain its life. I don't think that's what I had said before, sorry about that. My idea was...
  7. T

    Sarah's Question: How Were We Created?

    Too many fruits have gone rotten over this topic before. They were first ripe, maybe a little smelly, and everyone was having a good time...Eating those juicy mellons and grapefruit (with brown sugar, ohh yeah), and then they started becoming more smelly...Before you know it, my good friend...
  8. T

    How does a lifeform receive life?

    Alright, so when the spermie and egg unite, a new lifeform is created. There's no force that snaps its fingers the moment they meet, and delivers it life. The codes in the newly formed DNA dictate the initiation of the lifeform's growth. That's gay. It makes perfect sense and all, but I...
  9. T

    Understanding the Science Behind Staring: Causes and Biological Factors

    I call it trancing out. When I get into trance mode, I never really look at anything. Like Ivan said, it feels as though a second mind takes over or something. I'm never really thinking, or looking into anything in particular, I just stare straight ahead, unblinking, hardly breathing. I have...
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    Reaching Infinity: Exploring Realization and Creation

    We are all a part of reality. Reality is the state which results from events which we percieve as being real. To be real implies that events can be defined. Events that have the characteristic of being real can be replicated. If we are able to define something, then we can recreate it...
  11. T

    How does a lifeform receive life?

    When something is born, how is it "turned on"? Is it simply the connection of the two gametes during fertilization which is programmed to function NOW!, consume resources! once they are connected? If so, then it should be possible to create life given the necessary coding, or more simply, the...
  12. T

    Obtaining and Diluting Acetone for Use in Spectrophotometry

    Yes, hardware store...About 98-99% pure or something.
  13. T

    What is the concentration of acetic acid in the 200 mL volumetric flask?

    Yes. 5 g/60 g/mol = 8.3 E-2 mol * 0.1 L = 8.3 E-3 mol/L There's your c1. v1 = 0.01 L v2 = 0.25 L Then it's just c2 = (c1v1)/v2 c2 = 3.3 E-4 mol/L And then you take 50 ml's of this... v1 = 0.05 L c1 = 3.3 E-4 mol/L v2 = 0.2 L c2 = 8.3 E-5 mol/L Our answers differ by a...
  14. T

    Love Potion #98.5: Is it Real?

    And who says love is based on physical attraction? Besides, there are other things that make people more attractive aside from the way they look. The way they SMELL for example... Here's the definition from pher·o·mone ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fr-mn) n. A...
  15. T

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Earthquakes, Longitudinal & Transverse Waves

    Ah, of course! That works out perfectly to give 6.2 cm. Thank you! Do I have the right idea for Q2? That is probably the most important question that needs answering. I believe I am correct, because it coorelates with the answers to a quiz I had failed earlier.