Recent content by ThomsonKevin

  1. T

    MHB Express 3sin(3x)-4cos(3x) in the form Rcos(3x+\alpha)

    Tried simplifying it of course, but didn't get far. Here's tbe problem: ''Express 3sin(3x)-4cos(3x) in the form Rcos(3x+\alpha),\alpha\ge0;R>0. Hence, find the smallest possible value of x for which 3sin(3x)-4cos(3x)=4.'' Bit confusing for me, especially the last part. How do you solve this, lads?
  2. T

    MHB Find the Value of n in a Unique Factorial Problem with (n+1)!/(n-1)! = 56

    Yes, Thank you both of you, it makes clear sense now.
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    MHB Find the Value of n in a Unique Factorial Problem with (n+1)!/(n-1)! = 56

    Ok, I had never seen a factorial problem like this, and the answer(n=7) didn't help me much in understand the solution either. If (n+1)!/(n-1)! = 56 , what's the value of n?
  4. T

    MHB What Value of a Makes Two Linear Equations Parallel?

    Yes, exactly what I needed, thank you both of you!
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    MHB What Value of a Makes Two Linear Equations Parallel?

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could solve this and explain it in detail. The answer is supposed to be a= -2. Let's cut to the chase: If the two lines 2x + ay = 1 and ax + (a+4)y = 2 are parallel ,what is a?