Recent content by TheStatutoryApe

  1. TheStatutoryApe

    Why are women wearing tops with open backs?

    This as well. Its social, after a fashion, in that you are attempting to manipulate your interactions with people by it. I had a girlfriend a long time ago who used to dress like a male in order to keep males from hitting on her and all around prevent her from being treated like a girl.
  2. TheStatutoryApe

    Why are women wearing tops with open backs?

    I believe that the manner in which one dresses tends to be a matter of sociality for most people. The only people I think tend to not dress "socially" are people who have a genuine lack of "social consciousness" by which I do not mean people with "anti-social" behavioral disorders necessarily...
  3. TheStatutoryApe

    Medical Knee "Slipping": Dealing with a Recurring Injury

    From a quick look this appears to be a "patellar dislocation" (dislocation of the knee cap [patella]). It also appears that icing and staying off it are the only thing to do really. There are things I should perhaps do when it starts getting better to try keeping it from dislocating more as...
  4. TheStatutoryApe

    Medical Knee "Slipping": Dealing with a Recurring Injury

    So I have a bad knee. The ACL was stretched and slightly torn several years ago and I needed to get surgery. Since then it has happened occasionally that my knee feels as though it "slips" slightly out and back into the joint. I suppose this may also be the ligament "slipping". Either way...
  5. TheStatutoryApe

    Is the General Public Misinformed about Science and Engineering?

    There was a very lovely lady who used to be a member here. She was a high school level teacher and wanted more than anything to bring education to people. I bring her up because she found herself in the situation of trying to teach students who did not seem at all receptive to learning. It...
  6. TheStatutoryApe

    Which country is ranked as the best for females in the G20?

    I suppose it depends on just how one measures. France may take a hit for banning burqas and allegedly reducing the freedoms of women or they may just as well get a boost from it for fighting the oppression of women.
  7. TheStatutoryApe

    Is the General Public Misinformed about Science and Engineering?

    I am well aware that I was using anecdotal evidence and it may not pan out cross region and cross culture and may even be flat out wrong. But... I don't see this trend other people apparently have observed that some significant portion of the population allegedly doesn't care about, or have any...
  8. TheStatutoryApe

    News Why Americans Love Obama's Kill List

    There was a general concern during the first election that there would be perception Obama could not lead a country during wartime. His comments about finding and killing Oasma were actually a turn off for me but I think they felt it necessary to convince people he could be Commander in Chief...
  9. TheStatutoryApe

    News Is Recall the Solution for Inept or Disgraceful Government Officials?

    These would generally be cause for impeachment. Recall would be for people that are just doing a horrible job, not holding to election promises, driving the economy into the ground, ect... and all just based on ineptitude or lack of care for the consequences of their actions, no criminal wrong...
  10. TheStatutoryApe

    Is the General Public Misinformed about Science and Engineering?

    You remind me of "The IT Crowd". Its the way scientists and experts are generally perceived (over here any way); that they are arrogant, bitter that more people don't recognize their genius, and generally unable to communicate with "normal" people. I get the impression that pseudo science and...
  11. TheStatutoryApe

    Is the General Public Misinformed about Science and Engineering?

    Perhaps some people don't ask questions and so don't learn because they don't want to get round house kicked in the face? Seriously... I've met very few people who do not think that science and technology are interesting and things that they would like to learn about. I have, however, met...
  12. TheStatutoryApe

    A Month of Not Talking to People: Losing Interest in Conversation?

    I work graveyard shift security. On an average day I may not talk to a single person and when I do it is most often brief and completely lacking in any sort of personal engagement. The only daily communication I am involved in is online. When I meet people face to face I often am at a loss...
  13. TheStatutoryApe

    Are Nerds Marked? A Parking Lot Encounter

    My stepfather is an engineer and wears the same for his "regular clothes". He tends to stand out a bit.
  14. TheStatutoryApe

    News Prevalence of Creationism in USA Unchanged

    I met a college graduate who was apparently a history teacher and said she hated to read when asked what her favourite book was. With teachers like that... :-/
  15. TheStatutoryApe

    Honor student thrown in jail and fined This story was brought up elsewhere and I decided to look into some things that were said about it. Apparently Tran never told the court about why she was truant which may have led to the harsh sentence. The judge and...