Recent content by theriddler876

  1. T

    Can someone explain Einstein's relativity theory?

    hmnnnn well einstein said something like " you sit next to a girl for an hour and it seems like a mintue, you sit on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour, that's relativity"
  2. T

    Is Thinking Essential for Existence?

    what I mean exsist in material form is that you can have ideas, and unless you reguard an idea, ideas aren't made in the "physical world" for example say you have a drawing of a concept car, technically the car does not exsist in what we are used to cars exsisting as, but the idea is something...
  3. T

    Question - is it impossible for nothing to exist?

    what are you talking about, if you get a divorce it still happened, and silence in the music isn't really silence, it's just too low of a decibel level to be precieved, by your logic air would be made of nothing, which we know isn't true... hmnn I think this argument is best left to seinfeld.
  4. T

    Electromagnetic Wave: Explaining Proportions for Visualization

    I like to think of them as photons with very very little mass, that move really fast, and all objects travel in a wave so they are photons that tavel in wave. It has been proved that electrons are waves through diffraction and such, and their mass has also been calculated, also moving...
  5. T

    What is the highest form of happiness?

    first of all boredom could easily be remedied not by problems, but by finding something to do, Like typing in a forum, or playing monopoly. now to have happiness, unhappiness also has to exsist, other wise it would be one constant sate of being, everything exsists by it's opposite, by this the...
  6. T

    Philosophy: Should we eat meat?

    another thing is that when we eat starch, or sucrose/glucose/galactose you know veggies and grains our body takes them breaks them down into glucose, then the body absorbs them and releases insulin, which is a growth hormone, which makes people fat, it's the whole concept behind atkins. anywhoo...
  7. T

    Is Thinking Essential for Existence?

    "X is non-existent" then you are also saying that "X exists so that 'X' --> does not exist that only applies to x not exsisting in a material form in a material form for example "a time machine does not excist" by that logic I just created a time machine by denying it's exsistance...
  8. T

    Calculating the Length of a Segment Joining Centers of Inscribed Circles

    hmnn so the squares make more of a stairstep and not a pyramid.
  9. T

    What is the highest form of happiness?

    happiness is detachment from thigns of this world, as the buddha would say. The steak material, the winning pool, material reward, the doing good is probably for selfish reasons as well, like beeing recognzied as a good person. on a diffrent note, apathy is bliss
  10. T

    Should there be separate church and state marriages in the US?

    actually the government has some control over religion through taxes, for example, the catholic church didn't get "involved" in the last election because then they would have been forced to pay taxes
  11. T

    Question - is it impossible for nothing to exist?

    something can always be divided into smaller peieces something can not exsist only in the physical world, very much like a time machine exsits a an Idea, but not a thing. so anything can exsist as ideas, and the very second you think of something that does not exsist, you just created it (the...
  12. T

    Is Thinking Essential for Existence?

    if I were to punch someone in the nose, would they doubt my exsistance?
  13. T

    Is the 'Real World' in 'The Matrix' Really Real?

    it's like the experiment where babies were made to walk across a cliff covered by plexiglass, a young baby does not yet understand how the world operates and would willngly go across. a baby is learning every day, now if you could show that babie that objects fall up, that's what he would learn...
  14. T

    Adaptation to Seasons: The Evolutionary Explanation

    no seasons are not necessary for life.
  15. T

    Calculating the Length of a Segment Joining Centers of Inscribed Circles

    youre making it all more complicated, the center of an inscribed circle is righ in the center of the square so the distance from the center to one side is the half of what the whole length of the square is so you need to square root the areas given to find the lengths divide each length by two...